Saturday, April 03, 2010

And we ended up with Barack & Joe

“What worried me,” says Keane, “was that Abizaid and Casey believed their policy was working when it was obvious to the average citizen that something was wrong.”
...the biggest douchebags got the highest honors the country could bestow. How close are we to the definition of kakistocracy?


Tecumseh said...

This is too long for my ADD. Can you give me the punchline, Herr Professor Rot?

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Rif: That's where the Rifains live. Looks nice.

Mr roT said...

It's misspelled. VCP.

Tecumseh said...

In Dr. Straman's world, everything is misspelled. Unless it has a babe angle to it. But the latter always happens. So I'm getting confused by my own logic. It's what the Rotten mind does to me.

Mr roT said...

You need a self-help in CDs.