Thursday, April 08, 2010

Brooks gorges on ouzo


Arelcao Akleos said...

Who does he mean by "We", Kemosabe?

Tecumseh said...

Ask Das Rotter. He used to think Brooks is the pinnacle of wisdom.

Mr roT said...

Me? Tecs, you were all over the crease of his pantleg a lot more recently...

Tecumseh said...

C'mon, Rot, fess us. I still remember those days (was it early 2000s) when Books came to the NYT as the token conservative--to replace Bill Safire, I think. You immediately started to jump and down, ulululating -- that was before you switched to Taranto as the fount of all wisdom. I was consistently skeptical of Brooks, and his slightly condescending style. Doesn't mean he doesn't write a decent piece now and then -- hell, ever Maureen Dowd can do that once in a blue moon, if she really puts her mind to it. But no way Brooks has ever risen to the level of Safire, or ever will. Sorry, pal, that's how the cookie crumbles.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Brooks is just another suit.

Mr roT said...

You callin him a club or a spade?

Arelcao Akleos said...

A spade.