Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The dead hand of Saddam

.. claims yet another soul.


Mr roT said...

They're from Kentucky?

tempus perdire said...

Why do you say that they're from Kentucky?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Let's see if we can enter into the mysteries of the Rotten Mind:

[a] Who but Hussein would hang 'em from the highest Jim Beam?

[b] The Villain Goldfinger had designs on the gold of Kentucky's Fort Knox.
Hussein was a Villain.
Hence Hussein had designs on something Kentuckian.
Hussein had designs on the biddies' family.
Hence the biddies' family was from Kentucky.

[c] The Rotter simply mispelt "Kinfucky".

Tecumseh said...

Rotten Logik in all its splendor.