Some have blamed the weather created by the eight-month eruption of Laki as a possible contributory cause to the French Revolution. Watch out for those sans-culottes, Monsieur Rot. They're coming after ya.
Me, eh? So it's to my benefit to teach you and AA not to seethe and hot to connect dots and put up with your incessant lecturing on the importance of fiber in the diet and the devil's drink...
I think we're in for a new little ice age. Poor Putin.
So what happens to Al Gore's pile of stock in Gorebal Warming?
Not for a minute. After all, he invented the means we have to communicate. So you should be thankful, Herr Rot.
Me, eh? So it's to my benefit to teach you and AA not to seethe and hot to connect dots and put up with your incessant lecturing on the importance of fiber in the diet and the devil's drink...
OK, man.
Hot to connect? I thought you were hard to connect, what with that 24K modem of your, or whatever passes for WiFi in the hinterlands.
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