Monday, April 19, 2010

Tecs puts on his béret and lights up a Gauloise

...disaster ensues. Tecs starts another blog. It's all about bouillabaisse.


Tecumseh said...

It's all Coanda's fault!!!! If he had not invented the jet engine, we'd still be using propellers, and those should work just fine through ash clouds.

Tecumseh said...

Making out like bandits: Yesterday, we had a hotel room at 250 euros. At midday, it was 460 euros, and in the evening, the price was 800 euros for a room...

Asked if the hotel was guilty of price-gouging, the hotel's general manager, Alan Burrows, said simply, "We dynamically price much like the airlines do, according to how many rooms we have to sell in the hotel."

Mr roT said...

Sounds pretty dynamic. Not as dynamic as the bullet that should be headed for the bastard, but dynamic, sure.

Mr roT said...

The NATO story is telling. On the front page of an Austrian paper this morning, the smiling, scarred face of Niki Lauda informs the world that there's no danger from a little smoke and some fine dust in the sky. He flew his plane right through it to show that, hey, a Boeing 747 can do the same thing. Then hairpinned for some reason...

So the airlines are calling on governments to lighten up, man! We're losing our wallets on this. Smart, eh?

Tecumseh said...

It's all Coanda's fault!!!