Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time to try forced collectivization again?

Borat: Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world; all other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan is number one exporter of potassium; other Central Asian countries have inferior potassium.
Putin gets the Obamacare meme:
Fíjense en el boticario, en su palidez de aspirina, en sus ojos azules (tonalidad hielo GULAG), en su mirada llorosa, perdida e inanimada como de camarero del Titanic. Menos mal que tenía los ansiolíticos a mano…

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

So the Rooskies are growing more cereals than we do? Not trivial, since they lost Ukraine (and Kazakhstan), where a lot of the Soviet crop used to come from -- unless the commies would forcibly starve the peasants.

Pretty soon, the way things are going, Kazakhstan will surpass us in car production.