Sunday, May 14, 2006

Alles Klar?

A New Axis of Evil, if they can stick to it.


Tecumseh said...

Jawohl, Herr Komissar.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, how would you like to listen for three and half hours to a speech by Hugo, while an adoring audience of British left-wingers (including I guess Red Ken)cheered, clapped, sang and laughed? Priceless.

Tecumseh said...

This was more interesting.

Mr roT said...

Yum. I thought ecologists were a bunch of pussies.

Tecumseh said...

She's Argentinian - they are the most beautiful babes in the world, aren't they?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Chavez has been living in command-economy world for too long: if oil goes to $100/barrel, Yankee ingenuity will grab rather than wait for marching orders from a socialist heirarchy. Already we're seeing the initial stages of it all with hybrid automobiles and experimenting with alternatives to petro (corn oil being one of them).

Do you guys think us Yankees will retaliate if Iran decides to mess with Israel?

The Darkroom said...

yes: i think you should definitely retaliate if israel starts messsing with iran.