Thursday, May 11, 2006


The Zapatero way. And a commentary.


Mr roT said...

This is perfectly nauseating, AI. I don't know where to go from this except to my most-hated Spengler.

Just awful.

Tecumseh said...

Mayor Juan Wic is an ass!

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Here is an account of the archaeological digs, before they decided to pave it over, and make it into a parking lot.

By the way, can you imagine what the outcry would have been in the MSM if a yahoo mayor of Texas had done something remotely like that? (Well, OK, no Roman ruins in there, but just imagine.) Being Socialist means the Spanish mayor will be immune to any serious criticism. I can't wait for the bien-pensant Rive-Gauchards to explain it away.

Mr roT said...

Seems they also wrecked a lot of the Islamic history of the place.