Friday, May 19, 2006

The closing of the Liberal mind

Starts early. And then blooms into full glory.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Now, now, AI, we know that he is sincere and well meaning and beloved by his mother and boyfriend and dog and three guppies with colorful names in honor of the Grateful Dead. As JJ knows, this chap is the perfect candidate for the role of the benighted Peacecorper who gets to stand forlornly on that hill of US aid, medical and nutritional, mouth agape and mind numb, wondering WTF gives as the torches light the bonfire of his vanity for the very last time.

Tecumseh said...

Powerful image, AA. We need a visual to go with it: perhaps a Hieronymus Bosch?

Tecumseh said...

A follow-up:

You took exception to the paragraph in which he lightly deprecated the vanity of youth. Well, Ms. Rohe, and your fellow graduates's comical self-importance deserves a rebuke far stronger than the gentle suggestions he offered you. So, let me leave you with this. Should you grow up and ever get down to the hard business of making a living and finding a purpose for your lives beyond self-indulgence some of you might then know a happiness far more sublime than the fleeting pleasure of living in an echo chamber.