Sunday, May 21, 2006

another corner not turned?

With more of the same, isn't it time the farce be ended?


Tecumseh said...

Well, OK, doesn't look too pretty, but what's the alternative you propose? Zarky? Or, have Chrirac bring his buddy, Saddam, back? You gotta play the hand you've been dealt, and right now it's probably the best we've got (no Royal Flush, maybe a pair of knaves and deuces?) In the meantime, how about that charmin' fella a bit to the East? Should we also put our collective heads in the sand (or, up our arses), when it comes to him?

The Darkroom said...

i was under the impression that the new constitution which essentially ratifies a shiite theocracy in iraq had taken care of charming the mullah puppet in the east.

I'll submit that the bloodbath of the last 3 years and the complete incompetence of the administration makes Saddam almost look good - no small achievement. Zarky is already doing whatever he wants and the henchmen from the interior ministeries are handling the rest of the kilings. Plague or cholera - I don't think it matters either way: I say you cut your losses and run.

The Darkroom said...

My bad, it's a turning point - after so many of these, we should be just around 360.