Monday, July 03, 2006

capturing the hearts & minds

The NYT providing aid & comfort to the ennemy again. The liberal media is handing another victory to binnie if you ask me.


My Frontier Thesis said...

If Green did what the U.S. prosecutors say he did, then, at the very least, he should spend his remaining days in Leavenworth. As Hitchens has said, individual American soldiers who do this are seriously damaging the good that is happening in the mid-East. Actions such as these are intolerable.

Pepe: I also wonder what this has to do with responsible reporting.

Also-also: along with some Iraqi parliamentary members, what pizza delivery numbers do you suppose Zarquowi had in his cellphone?

Tecumseh said...

Of course, to be completely consistent, the Liberals/NY/ACLU/etc should come out and deplore the barbaric Amerrikkkan system for even contemplating the death penalty for an alleged rapist and murderer --in contrast to the oh-so-superior Euro-system, where rapists and killers (and even cannibals!) simply go to jail for a while, maybe. Aahhh, but that would blur the message (that Amerikkka is baad, what else?), so somehow I doubt that angle will be emphasized by les bien pensants.

At any rate, yes, if Green is convicted, he should fry. His alleged crimes are despicable, and the aggravating circumstances should argue for capital punishment.

As for the NYT divulging just for the heck of it the security arrangements at the residence of the Secretary of Defense -- if this is not aid and comfort to the enemy, I don't know WTF does that line mean in Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.

My Frontier Thesis said...
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My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes AI, I agree with you.

I'm all for retroactive abortion for Green. He is not only worthless to the U.S., to peace in the mid-East, to Iraqi democracy, but he slaughtered, raped and murdered. That's what al queda and jihad is about, not America.