Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Pair of deuces

Kim fizzles. So, what next?

Why should Bush make any concessions to Kim Jong-il when, as it turns out, Kim has nothing up his sleeve to trade back?

OK, hold'em tight. In the meantime, have a shot of Bourbon. Life is not so bad, after all.


The Darkroom said...

KJI fires missiles one of which misfires - all is good.

OBL & Co kill a US entrepreneur in Iraq and it's time to sift through everybody's phone calls and financial transactions.

Tecumseh said...

The other six missiles were dumb scuds (the kind Saddam used to lob in the Gulf War, way back when) --don't count in the big leagues. The only one that counted was the Long Dong, or whatever it's called, and that one was a petard mouille. So KJI has it in his baba -- all is good, indeed. Let's keep fingers crossed it stays that way.

The Darkroom said...

keeping fingers crossed seems also to be W's approach to the problem. But given that the missiles can at best only reach liberal california, the commander-in-chief may be very wise...

I say keep fingers crossed in the dunes and regroup over the real threats: KJI is not giving up yet and why should he while W has his fingers crossed?

Tecumseh said...

While KJI jumps up and down, W is keeping his cool, in true Texan poker tradition. I say, let KJI dump all his bombinettes in the Sea of Japan, what's bad about that?

Tecumseh said...

So what are those NK girls doing? Caressing KJI's LongDong?

The Darkroom said...

>>While KJI jumps up and down, W is keeping his cool, in true Texan poker tradition

if you call these bombinettes, you surely cannot be too impressed with AQ's molotiv cocktails.

Tecumseh said...

KJI bombinettes go straight in the ocean, luckily (let's hope they keep on doing just that). The AQ "Molotov cocktails", on the other hand, have killed real people. I know the lifes of Americans do not count in the eyes of the Left (we are all "little Eichmanns" for them, after all), but they do count in mine.

Tecumseh said...

More on the KJI debacle.

The Darkroom said...

Buchanan ? you have got to be kidding.