Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Another Hussy Makes Life Hell for Our Willy

What, is she calling him a LIAR?? Our Willy, the Master of His Is? The Gurl has no shame.
Note her assertion that the Bush administration did at least as much prior to 911 as the Willyards had done in the previous 8 years. Perhaps true, but, ya know, having done as least as much as almost nothing was part of the problem.


Mr roT said...

More Clarence Thomas' taste, but hey...

The Darkroom said...

When you refer to willy as a liar, are you referring to anything of more substance than his pecadillos ?

The Darkroom said...

What is interesting about this story is that, unable to maintain the impression that the "wot" is doing just fine, the administration is now attempting to deflect responsibility for the disaster by engaging in blame shifting. Hopefully, the transparent nature of this strategy won't be lost on the electorate in the fall.

Mr roT said...

Chris Wallace = the Administration in moonbat circles, Pepe. The question was legit. It is Billary making this an issue. They feel lucky.
Should be transparent.

The Darkroom said...

Condy = the admin ...

Mr roT said...

There is a long list of Clinton's dishonesties floating around. Clinton lied quite a lot during the interview with Wallace and about matters of substance of the nature, "Who knew what when?"

The Darkroom said...

There is a long list of Clinton's dishonesties floating around.
Of the iran-contra / wmd type or of the lewinsky/didn't inhale type ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Both, and more.
He lied, and lies, perenially, before us peasants or before the law, on his different 'relations' with women. And in this context he has shown himself to be a bully, even a thug. "Bravery" with women that he does have.
His administration read intel, to the extent it was read seriously at all, consistently in the way that would dovetail nicely with the conception that what enhanced (was deemed by the Clintonistas to enhance) the popularity of the President was in fact what the intel actually said. And if it didn't, then it was an irritant that had to be eradicated. [think of the background to the shutting down of Able Danger]
And,more, as a consummate political conman, Willy practiced to perfection what the current hapless Red Dim in charge of Hungary was foolish enough to boast of in a taped conversation [referring to his election campaign] "I lied to them in the morning, I lied to them in the evening". In this regard,
many insiders of his administration have claimed [and none have denied this claim] that Willy had the preternatural knack of telling his audience, large or small, exactly what they wanted to hear. So, at the same time, both those in favor of A, and those in favor of Not A, had been granted that special dispensation of believing that the earnest and honorable Bill Clinton backed them 100%.
He also practiced, natch, the Pepe recommended trick of, when caught red handed in a patently obvious bad situation, he could just stare at the public and assert the precise opposite which such vehemence and frank chutzpah that the poor blighters were stunned into silence...And by the time they had regained their composure, and had checked that what their lying eyes had seen had not been false, well, lo and behold, they had been gleefully characterized as part of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" and were now mere irrelevancies who no one "correct" would now pay any attention to.
Methods, methods, methods...the Left has its tried and true, fo sho.

Mr roT said...

It wasn't called lying. It was called triangulation often, no?

The Darkroom said...

He lied, and lies, perenially, before us peasants or before the law, on his different 'relations' with women.
oh, my.

The Darkroom said...

as far as the rest goes, you are describing political talent, ie an uncanny knack at getting elected, but nothing of substance.

boy, you must be pissed at w.

The Darkroom said...

So, at the same time, both those in favor of A, and those in favor of Not A, had been granted that special dispensation of believing that the earnest and honorable Bill Clinton backed them 100%.

So, at the same time, both those in favor of democracy, and those in favor of No democracy, had been granted that special dispensation of believing that cheney and his earnest and honorable W backed them 100%.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"oh my" Pepe is just shocked shocked that a little mendacity as to rapine and manly "forcefulness' should be considered problematic. 'Ricains are so gauche and rube-ish. Never would a man of France find it problematic. After all, what is the point of running from all serious enemies if not but to save one's courage for the manly arts of cowing unwilling women?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, to Pepe "political talent" is the proper euphemism for a psychopathic thug capable only of self-control over his conscience.

Arelcao Akleos said...

You got it exactly backwards, Pepe.
The Bushies have achieved the remarkable state of convincing most of us that care for Democracy that he does not, while he has convinced most of those who do not care for Democracy that he does.
His administration is Clinton's in Mirror World

The Darkroom said...

a psychopathic thug

Definitely - and what is most convincing about your logic is your sense of nuance.