Saturday, September 30, 2006


Keep on pumping talibanis. Don't panic, says JJ. Not in my backyard, says Pepe. OK, dudes, whatever.


Mr roT said...

Too easy, AI. Ask Imam has all the answers.

Mr roT said...

Beat this.

Tecumseh said...

So looking at breast beats looking at crap? Man, this is deep.

My Frontier Thesis said...

It almost looks like North Dakota has a "funner" martyr training camp than Pakistan?

Excerpt: "We're kinda being trained to be warriors," said another, "only in a funner way."

The Darkroom said...

Thew pakistani madrassas are backing usama rather than w ? that's an unexpected turn of events: didn't they use to have the kids carol the pledge of allegiance?