Saturday, September 30, 2006

Buy this?

These are grave accusations. If true, this could change the equation, in unpredictable ways. What to make of it?


Mr roT said...

Probably rogues? Dunno. That's India's problem seems to me.

Tecumseh said...

It's a problem. Yup.

My Frontier Thesis said...

It's difficult to decipher India and Pakistan Newspeak. Pakistan's prez has such a time keeping tabs on what goes on in the four corners of his own country. I can't imagine he'd have a handle on what goes on outside of it.

More problems to add to my weltschmerz. The Becherovka doesn't seem to provide much mental help, but physically I feel a bit better. I don't know how JJ does it.

Tecumseh said...

What's Becherovka?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Early 19th-century Bohemian medicine.

The Darkroom said...

Indian extremists trying to soil the peace-loving pakistani govt if you ask me.