Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New Versailles

Surely Pepe will enthusiastically support building the Paris Markaz right next to Versailles. Or maybe on l'Ile de la Cité, right next to Notre Dame? How could any politically correct Euro-lefty harbor the slightest doubts? That would be oh-so Ricain-redneck-ignorant. I wonder though whether the Ministre de l'Interieur be allowed on the premises?


The Darkroom said...

I am not sure what the problem is here. Paris has 12th c architecture adjacent to 19th c & no one has a problem with admitting that it is a positive contribution to the urban landscape. But try and juxtapose modern architecture with anything that isn't "la Defense"-like and people have a heart attack.

Tecumseh said...

One can always build a huge mosque in traditional style on l'Ile de la Cite, and that would be peachy creamy, yes? While at it, why not follow the example of Hagia Sofia, and add some minarets around?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hey, its his country AI. Let him play the role of Petain to his heart's content. Of course, why "Petain" would not want to put his booty in that same happy place is another question.
The first Petain was, relatively, fortunate in that Hitler did not have time to put his proper 'stamp" on Paris. But the new Islamic Republic that will one day write the history books on our Petain's generation will have a world enough and time.

Mr roT said...

There's no architecture in France between Gothic and modern. Defacing Versailles would be a step forward for that Art.

Tecumseh said...

JJ, maybe this is true, maybe not. But you seem to miss the reference -- well known to others on this blog. While you were frolicking in the Alps, Pepe was telling us how nothing really matters as long Versailles is left alone (well, I am paraphrasing just a tad, but that's the gist of it). So this is now a running gag -- but really, just gallows humor.

The Darkroom said...

huh ? petain ? you are blinded by angry white maleness, my poor aa !

The Darkroom said...

Pepe was telling us how nothing really matters as long Versailles is left alone

care to back that up with a quote?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Research your own words, Pepe. For "Versailles" read what you said on how what Islam does outside of the direct theatre of Europia [with an occasional most generous reference to throwing in us and canadians as "The West"] just doesn't matter in this war. Remember you mocking the idea that Islam's current, and longstanding, jihads in the third world was relevant to what we are facing? Relevant in judging the role of war in Islam's spread? Relevant as giving us insight into what is mainstream Islamic thought as to its relations with the unbelievers?
Do you think that Willy is such a charming lunk that now you should consider it clever, or honorable, or both, to model your "arguments" in his style?
Petain Deux is cunning, he thinks.

The Darkroom said...

aa- this is what you say that i stated. As with many of your statements, it has little to no bearing with reality.

Mr roT said...

Petain again, AA?

The Darkroom said...

petain ? last week i was stalin. your buddies should get their dictators straight.

Mr roT said...

I thought you were Castro last week. Get it straight, man.

The Darkroom said...

so many dick tasters, so little hine.

The Darkroom said...

sorry - I meant hind.