Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The trial of Saddam

This has to be one of the most embarrassing fuck ups of this war. Here's a guy whose guilt in countless atrocities is probably just about as undisputable as that of other sorry dictators of last century, from Videla to Pol Pot, yet the courts trying him seem unable to do so without giving the impression of impropriety.

The useful way to nail saddam would have been to try his entourage from the ground up first in order to amass as much evidence as possible and later to go after him based on the fruits of that effort. He's now already managed to mount a successful defense arguing that atrocities were done in the context of the iran-iraq war.
Instead, we are witnessing a pathetic PR attempt at hanging him as quickly as possible that will only serve to make him a martyr. He may get a deserved punishment but the families of his victims will be denied justice as the court is failing to demonstrate his guilt to the arab street - the only one that really matters.

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

Saddam, shmaddam -- there is such thing as decent line wrapping. This posting is technically abysmal. Tsk, tsk, tsk.