Sunday, September 24, 2006

Starring Madame Ceinture?

Pepe, is this just awful?


The Darkroom said...

I don't have particularly strong feelings either way. If it helps their sales, why not ? Wouldn't convince me to buy a shitty mitsubishi though.

Mr roT said...

Oh, come on. This was intended to be a fun post. Fatwa Friday! Wonderful.

The Darkroom said...

awright, awright

Mr roT said...

What do you think Ask Imam has to say about the twin turbo?

Tecumseh said...

Shitty Mitsubishi? Why, I leased two Galants, and they were not that bad for he money (couple of hundred $$ a month, zilch $$ down). But yes, I got tired of them. Maybe if the saleswoman wore a burkha, I'd renewed my lease? Hmmmm....