Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Contemporary Russian Politik: the New Dosteovsky

Applebaum: "After all, this set of post-KGB relationships is nothing if not complex: There are conspiracies within conspiracies, agents of agents of agents, people who pretend to be acting on behalf of a particular oligarch or Chechen insurgent who are actually acting on behalf of someone quite different. It is quite possible that Litvinenko was murdered by "rogue secret policemen," as the British press suspects. It is also possible that the "rogue secret policemen" were working for someone who worked for the Kremlin, or someone who worked for a Russian oligarch, or someone who worked for a Russian oligarch who worked for the Kremlin."


My Frontier Thesis said...

Looks like the Russians are only gonna need four bullets to take care of dissent on this go around. Wait to see what London does; it'll act as another reading on the Orwellian Barometer.

It'd be silly for London to give into an order from Moscow. I'm left wondering exactly how many chess moves Russia has planned (or how many one of the competing agencies within the Kremlin has planned) beyond what London will do. Certainly Moscow has anticipated that London will scoff -- perhaps just raise an eyebrow -- at their demand. Still: where's the outrage in London about Russia bringing in military-grade radioactive material into Britain?

Tecumseh said...

Hey, JJ, you're back?