Sunday, January 14, 2007

JJ Coanda

Making sure that jet engine doesn't spit fire on you, JJ?


My Frontier Thesis said...

The rock band KISS meets Devo with a 21st-century spin? any case, this is further evidence that Italia continues to focus on what really matters. Their officials should wear these space-age designer suits while they condemn Capital Punishment world-wide. I'd take them more seriously.

(although admittedly, the Iraqi Gov't might have carried out the sentence of justice on the Ba'athist mass-murderers in better fashion with firing squad).

Tecumseh said...

Looks like the Italians are getting just about as good at designing suits as the Iraqis are at hanging Saddam and his cronies. Oh well.

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of which, que pasa with JJ? Is he into wearing Paco-Cabana (or is it Dolce and Caban?) space-suits, perhaps with Russian aluminum boots to match, or is he back to haunting his old cantabridgian stomping grounds, dressed in shorts and T-shrt in the middle of a blizzard, in quest of that ultimate hoppy IPA?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, where the hell is JJ? He starts a blog, but is too busy bounding around in aluminum Russian fuel-injected jump boots and Italian space-suits to contribute. Does that sound about right?

Pepe hasn't been around here for a while either. I wonder if he gets good and pissed with us (for certain), says to himself that he'll never be back, takes a week or month off, and then returns? Does that theory sound plausible to you, AI?

Tecumseh said...

Your insights into the psychology of fellow bloggers hit the nail on the head, with a perfect pitch, MFT (metaphor alert!)

My Frontier Thesis said...

Of course, that kind of arm-chair psycho-blogger-analysis comes natural to us in the humanities, AI.