In Washington, a U.S. intelligence official said American forces killed five to 10 people in an attack on one target in southern Somalia believed to be associated with al-Qaida.
The U.S. went after them because in 1998 they bombed two of our embassies in East Africa. Now they are with their virgins, and away from slaughtering others in this secular world (a win-win situation).
A little ray of sunshine.
The French did something useful in Djibouti, after all. I assumed they built the airport there, or am I wrong?
I'm uncertain about the French, AI. I loosely follow their history all the way up to about when de Gaulle said that Quebec would someday be reunited with France (about mid 1960s) -- from my understanding, Canada never invited Charles back.
It's amazing how so much human misery can engulf such a beautiful looking coast line (don't go in -- sharks!). Too busy worshiping a diety to stop and smell the roses?
Nice geomilitary pic, AI. Keep up the good work.
Here's more info on de Gaulle's speech from 1967. Aahhh, those were the days...
The coast line around the Horn of Africa must be beautiful, indeed. Forget about the sharks, though -- those waters are infested with pirates! I mean, real, bloody pirates like in the 1600s! Wonder whether they still march up people down the plank, with Jaws circling below...
Ah, yes: "Long live Quebec." A great great great great grand dad of mine hailed from France, at least that's the family lore. He entered around presentday Quebec. Montreal I think. He got busy making bucks off the fur trade. I'd think that might have been just about as dangerous as runnin' rum and goods in the Carib back in those days (perhaps as dangerous as hangin' out in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa these days!).
Pack heat, and I don't mean pansy revolvers and rifles. I wouldn't hang in those waters unless I had a couple deck-mounted heavy machine guns.
In the meantime, looks like that bad guy the flyboys went after has kicked the bucket. As the Frenchy say, he must be eating dandelions by the root, now.
...or pushin' up daisies as we sometimes say in the American West. Getting smoked by a C-130 gunship... what a spectacular death that must've been.
Puff, the Magic Dragon.
Looks like this desperado escaped the wrath of Uncles Sam this time around. Rats! Ok, we're gonnna get him next time around. La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid, as they say in Versailles.
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