Friday, October 31, 2008
Evidence Mac is on crack
“we are witnessing, I believe, probably one of the greatest comebacks that you’ve seen since John McCain won the primary.”
Divided By Walls of Books

Krebs' map is worth a few minutes of study. You can see there are fewer books on the red side. That doesn't mean conservatives are buying fewer books, just that they are concentrating their purchases among fewer titles. And look at the book on the bottom left of the red web-Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky's book on community organizing. (Conservatives are studying their opponent.) There's a separate cluster of readers of Obama books, people who aren't connected to any of the Bush-bashing books clustered nearby. There are no books about McCain that seem to interest either the left or the right.
Political Campaigns = Mega Churches

The thrust of the article: people don't like to convert to one party or another on their own. They convert in groups.
And besides, I hear it's just as at a DNC function to score babes by saying, "Hey, Obama is awesome!" as it is to score babes at an Evangelical retreat by saying, "Hey, Jesus is awesome!" Or at a GOP function: "Palin is awesome!"
Thursday, October 30, 2008
In Memoriam, for a High Plains Drifter and His Lady
Chalk up another Triumph for Planet Pepe, where Le Pew is still striving for a World Free of Undies on Killer's Heads.
Another important cultural icon is down
Isn't this another indication the day of the last judgment is nearing?
Let's go to Ghana
An offshore-oil discovery, rising commodity prices and government spending on roads and other projects drove the market to a 64 percent gain this year, making it the world's best- performing bourse. Ghana doesn't have electronic trading. Traders scribble bid and asking prices on whiteboards. Sounds good to me. Buy, JJ, buy!
Agitprop, The Red One, and Pinning the Tail on the Pepe
".. When he arrived in the U.S., Atbashian was puzzled by the "level of delusional affection for all things Left among the liberal intellectual elites who take America's exclusive well-being for granted. At the time Oleg dismissed this "delusional affection" as silly and of little consequence.
[So what change the "little consequences"?]
"I'm still haunted by the horror I came to be a witness of [9/11, ed.]," says Atbashian. "The subsequent blame-America attitude among the intellectual trend-setters enraged me; 'liberalism' no longer seemed laughable. It was dangerous suicidal madness that had to be confronted. I took up political activism."
Finally, a nod to the Le Pewian persona...
"Curiously, and I should have known this instinctually, Oleg spoke about sycophants, too-eager campaign staff and over the top yes-men and seekers. "We lived through all that in Soviet Union. There are derogatory names to call them, but brown-noser is the most polite".
[So what change the "little consequences"?]
"I'm still haunted by the horror I came to be a witness of [9/11, ed.]," says Atbashian. "The subsequent blame-America attitude among the intellectual trend-setters enraged me; 'liberalism' no longer seemed laughable. It was dangerous suicidal madness that had to be confronted. I took up political activism."
Finally, a nod to the Le Pewian persona...
"Curiously, and I should have known this instinctually, Oleg spoke about sycophants, too-eager campaign staff and over the top yes-men and seekers. "We lived through all that in Soviet Union. There are derogatory names to call them, but brown-noser is the most polite".
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
On takeoff to a big circling,
Biden drools,"Bitch Palin, bitch Palin, bitch Palin, bitch moosecunting mountaingoat bimbo bitch Palin, I have a very very high IQ. Goddamned UIdaho, I'm just as good bitch Palin...
New Biatch for a Pepean Hangin'
Palin, West, this new Ho-bag. The work of Le Roi Soleil's hangmen is never done.
As if this would be reported.
Onion is America's finest news source. The LATimes would've kept quiet. UPDATE: the Atlantic goes Swiftboat.
Oui, on peut
To ??'s amazement, even non-{elitistic Harvard-educated chardonnay-sipping french-speaking trial lawyers} are supporting Obama. Will the notion that these demographics do not constitute over half the nation ever dawn on them ? fat chance.
(FYI - in unix/regexp, ? is the wildcard for a single character).
(FYI - in unix/regexp, ? is the wildcard for a single character).
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pitcairn, FCPs St. Helena, Awaits

Not so bad, guys. Look, it has [1] Commanding heights [2] Great sea views [3] The famous one roomed Pitcairn University, where AI could teach math, JJ could teach physics and chemistry, MFT could teach history, I could do the Portuguese thing and be the gardener [4] Whacky Nawlin's Babe moments [This just for Le Pew, when he visits] [5] Gorgeous triumphalist architecture. [6] A history of unabashed anti-authoritarianism.....
Life is Good!
Back in the USSR, Boys, You Don't Know How Lucky You Are

Versailles Raises the Sickle Green, and Hammers the Crescent Red. The Joys of Le Pew are a'comin'. From NRO.
"U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D. Toledo) whipped the crowd up before Mr. Obama took the stage yesterday telling them that America needed a Second Bill of Rights guaranteeing all Americans a job, health care, homes, an education, and a fair playing field for business and farmers.
[UPDATE: A reader writes:
....... the US [Obama ] Second Bill of Rights rang a vague bell:
Article 40Citizens of the USSR have the right to work (that is, to guaranteed employment and pay in accordance wit the quantity and quality of their work, and not below the state-established minimum), including the right to choose their trade or profession, type of job and work in accordance with their inclinations, abilities, training and education, with due account of the needs of society...
Article 41 Citizens of the USSR have the right to rest and leisure...
The length of collective farmers' working and leisure time is established by their collective farms.
Article 42 Citizens of the USSR have the right to health protection
They served their purpose. Obama is a victim now too.
Freebies at Columbia and Harvard, but the victim shit lives on. Whatever dude.
Getting ready to stack the courts
Speaking in July 2007 at a conference of Planned Parenthood, he said: "[W]e need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges." Yabadabadoo.
Obama boosts productivity
Isn't it clear that if people skip work to vote, then McCain will get more votes? Duh!! OK, Hussein, let's try again. Repeat after me. "Skip latte; go vote." "Drop your yoga lessons; go vote." "Break out of jail and vote." "Return from the dead and vote." "Leave that liquor store be and vote."
JJ Rove
Several independent organizations that track the Electoral College math now classify Montana, based on public polling, as a toss up. That includes former Bush adviser Karl Rove, who also classifies North Dakota as a toss up. Great, JJ, just great. You're doing a heckuva job.
The man from Ben and Jerry
Jimmah, come back, we need you! You're looking better and better, every day.
Anne Applebaum vs. AA, AI, and JJ?
In this article, Applebaum, a formidable intellectual and cultural warrior in Russia, lauds McCain, but critiques Palin and the anti-Intellectualism that unfortunately pervades, in this case, the GOP: strangely, it comes from the Evangelical Wing, what Mencken called the Bible Belt (it was originally a perjorative), from the folks who often say, "The only book worth reading is the Bible" without, mind you, ever even reading it[!]; the folks who believe that Agnosticism = Nihilism, not because they hang out with Agnostics or Atheists, but rather, they "know" this because their pastors and preists tell them. I'm not saying Believer = Intellectual Laziness. What I am saying is that if I'm going to have a conversation with someone who is willing to base their lives around, say, a Bible, then shouldn't they have command of that, and every great treatise or essay written about it, from St. Augustine up through Aquinas up through Luther's Table Talks and even the crazed John Calvin and, in the New World, to the idealistic-religious John Winthrop?
If intellectual laziness is tolerated in one's own party, how can America expect to continue on a Benjamin Franklin Path when that said party is elected?
If intellectual laziness is tolerated in one's own party, how can America expect to continue on a Benjamin Franklin Path when that said party is elected?
Anne Applebaum,
Mother Russia
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Redistributing the wealth
Let's take Pepe's money, and split it equally among us -- it's only fair, says Pepe.
Mutiny on board!
"Her lack of fundamental understanding of some key issues was dramatic," said another McCain source with direct knowledge of the process to prepare Palin after she was picked. The source said it was probably the "hardest" to get her "up to speed than any candidate in history."
On bended knee
"The fact is that most conservatives, most Republicans don't worship at the altar in New York, and I think that aggravates them more than anything else," said John R. Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. "What they want is the bending of the knee, and they'll get it from an Obama administration." You don't say.
City slickster vs. redneck doofus
During the last debate, McCain mentioned that Obama’s political campaign began in Bill Ayers’s home. Obama immediately denied it and McCain had no real follow-up. It was not this year’s political campaign that Obama began in Bill Ayers’s home but an earlier campaign for the Illinois state legislature. Barack Obama can match Bill Clinton in slickness at parsing words to evade accusations. Duhhh...
Lenin zig-zagged and so did Hitler. Zig-zags may show no more than that someone is playing the public for fools. Some people who see the fraud in what Obama is saying are amazed that others do not. But Obama knows what con men have long known, that their job is not to convince skeptics but to enable the gullible to continue to believe what they want to believe. He does that very well. Duhhh...
Lenin zig-zagged and so did Hitler. Zig-zags may show no more than that someone is playing the public for fools. Some people who see the fraud in what Obama is saying are amazed that others do not. But Obama knows what con men have long known, that their job is not to convince skeptics but to enable the gullible to continue to believe what they want to believe. He does that very well. Duhhh...
Melanie Phillips sums it up
I do not trust McCain; I think his judgment is erratic and impetuous, and sometimes wrong. But on the big picture, he gets it. He will defend America and the free world whereas Obama will undermine them and aid their enemies. ... He has said he will ‘cut investments in unproven missile defense systems’; he will ‘not weaponize space’; he will ‘slow our development of future combat systems’; and he will also ‘not develop nuclear weapons,’ pledging to seek ‘deep cuts’ in America’s arsenal, thus unilaterally disabling its nuclear deterrent as Russia and China engage in massive military buildups.
Planet Pepe is everywhere!
So where to go? Forget Iceland -- it's 93% pinko, utterly bankrupt, and cold as hell. Iraq? Hmmm... OK, how about the Congo? Georgia? Or perhaps, Cuba??
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A trillion here, a trillion there
.. and pretty soon we're talking real money. Get ready for Pepe the drunken sailor to start throwing the mullah around. Where is gonna get the money from? Ah, don't worry, be happy. And keep ululating.
Limiting the damage
It was RNC funds, not McCain '08 money, that paid the now-famous $150,000 for Palin's campaign wardrobe. This is a huge mistake. Right. As in 1996, I'd say it's better at this stage to try and save what's salvageable -- namely, not get blown out of the water in the Senate.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Buy, JJ, buy!
One of the few places of market optimism on Friday was Zimbabwe, an economically troubled part of Africa. The Zimbabwe Industrial Index gained 249.90% on Friday in a bizarre response to the country's hyperinflation. Many vendors prefer to barter rather than accept near worthless cash, so residents with extra money are piling it into the stock market, hoping for gains once the country's violent political situation is resolved.
Go for it. Zimbabwe beats Wall Street these days, that's for sure.
Go for it. Zimbabwe beats Wall Street these days, that's for sure.
Buy JJ buy,
Cosmic Idiocy,
Homo Economicus,
You don't say
Bound by Hypocritic Oafs, O Media
"No, what I object to (and I think most other Americans do as well) is the lack of equivalent hardball coverage of the other side - or worse, actively serving as attack dogs for Senators Obama and Biden. If the current polls are correct, we are about to elect as President of the United States a man who is essentially a cipher, who has left almost no paper trail, seems to have few friends (that at least will talk) and has entire years missing out of his biography. That isn’t Sen. Obama’s fault: his job is to put his best face forward. No, it is the traditional media’s fault, for it alone (unlike the alternative media) has had the resources to cover this story properly, and has systematically refused to do so.
Why, for example to quote McCain’s lawyer, haven’t we seen an interview with Sen. Obama’s grad school drug dealer - when we know all about Mrs. McCain’s addiction? Are Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko that hard to interview? All those phony voter registrations that hard to scrutinize? And why are Senator Biden’s endless gaffes almost always covered up, or rationalized, by the traditional media?
Why, for example to quote McCain’s lawyer, haven’t we seen an interview with Sen. Obama’s grad school drug dealer - when we know all about Mrs. McCain’s addiction? Are Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko that hard to interview? All those phony voter registrations that hard to scrutinize? And why are Senator Biden’s endless gaffes almost always covered up, or rationalized, by the traditional media?
Holed up in the Bunker, all alone...
Krauthammer thinks clear... Meanwhile, NYT downgraded to junk bond and stealing lightbulbs.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Card Carrying Boston Liberal Gets It

Simple, yet utterly to the point. No Le Pewian "truthinessy' needed when hard reality is before you.
"Yet, in every one of my encounters with America's rural communities, the diversity of my privileged experience was eclipsed by the depth of theirs. I had rhetoric; they had well-measured speech, punctuated by forbearing silences. I had easy answers; they knew there was no such thing.
It is not that the Republican base is anti-intellectual, as David Broder claims; they are anti-elitist. An Ivy League education is hardly a universal signal of competence in anything other than the liberal cultural canon."
Even the Princeton Dim can eventually Get It
By George, you are quick on the uptake, ain't ya Little Will?
Making the Black Book
Budweiser American Ale...
Biden's Core Point
I thought Sen Hairplugs "Core Point" was that Obama is a neophyte fruitschmuck and so tough guys like Putin and Khamenei would test him with crises he would surely fuck up dealing with (his only tools being Hope, cries of racism, and diplomas that impress AI).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Modern Conveniences too, JJ...

In a sled-barn post (click on title link for context), I suggested a sort of Ron Paul outpost for FCP'ers who are bracing for the upcoming Obamacle Presidency.

Here's another modern convenience, not far south of the sled barn, and I thought I'd share it as it might inspire or, at the very least, provoke. I don't think Colin Powell can flip someone off from here, either.
It's pretty decked out, even having toilet paper (see sapling).
Dakota Territory,
North Dakota,
Shittin' 'n Gittin'
Boris Johnson is smitten
Unlike the current occupant of the White House, he has no difficulty in orally extemporising a series of grammatical English sentences, each containing a main verb. Take that, JJ! But then again, he is patently not the Marxist subversive loony Lefty that some of his detractors allege. FCP is taking it on the chin, yet again.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Suffer The Little Children...for Prophet.
From NRO
"An e-mail:
I teach confirmation class to middle school students at an Episcopal church in Manhattan. Yesterday, we were discussing the prophets of the Old Testament and asked the kids for examples of prophets. Several of the kids were pretty convinced Senator Obama was a prophet. It took a few minutes to explain that he's neither a major nor minor prophet but that he's just a guy running for president.
And, of course, during prayer request time, we had to cover nationalized healthcare. I wish I was kidding..."
"An e-mail:
I teach confirmation class to middle school students at an Episcopal church in Manhattan. Yesterday, we were discussing the prophets of the Old Testament and asked the kids for examples of prophets. Several of the kids were pretty convinced Senator Obama was a prophet. It took a few minutes to explain that he's neither a major nor minor prophet but that he's just a guy running for president.
And, of course, during prayer request time, we had to cover nationalized healthcare. I wish I was kidding..."
In the Land of Oz, All Tremble Before the Wicked Witch of the Left
Dakota Autumn and Sled Barns

JJ, I potentially located a new refuge for you after this 2008 presidential election. This could be a cheaper and more viable alternative for JJ to move into instead of moving to Iceland.
Last Friday I snapped a picture of this barn (it'll eventually be used in the archival report) in central North Dakota, on the west bank of the Missouri River. Note the sleds on the barn, and the bluffs in the back-drop: although abandoned, the barn still looks prepared for winter, and JJ?
Dakota Territory,
North Dakota
From Planet Pepe, with love
If there is one core belief that lies deep inside the pinko id, it's the hate of Christianity. So this is a story to get Pepe ululating.
Binnie Boyz,
From Planet Pepe,
Oh My My Sharia
Sunday, October 19, 2008
MFT in Pepe Land, circa 18th Century...
The setting in France, the dialog between Thomas Jefferson and John and Abigail Adams as they watch humanity soar with, as John Adams notes, hot air. Netflix the series if you haven't already. Not bad. Not bad at all.
John Adams,
Thomas Jefferson
The video is titled, "Luxury underground sauna in Mongolia" — note the, ah, brass "fire poles" in the middle of the booth tables.
The Parable of the Stone, and other Theological Conundrums on Planet Pepe
"What’s in a Hiss? [Jay Nordlinger]
Had a funny moment last night — and it has to do with hissing. I’ve written on this subject: The Left hisses. I first noticed it when I was a kid growing up in Ann Arbor. Horrible, sinister sound — snake-like. Anyway, was in a movie theater on the Upper West Side (Manhattan). And a preview of Oliver Stone’s movie W. came on. And the hissing was kind of strange — sort of tentative hissing. Because they were hissing the president, of course — they had to do that. But they were aware it was an Oliver Stone movie, too – and Stone is good in their theology. So, they were unsure whether to hiss or not. They wanted to hiss the subject of the film, but not the film itself. You know? It was the most unusual hissing I have ever heard."
Had a funny moment last night — and it has to do with hissing. I’ve written on this subject: The Left hisses. I first noticed it when I was a kid growing up in Ann Arbor. Horrible, sinister sound — snake-like. Anyway, was in a movie theater on the Upper West Side (Manhattan). And a preview of Oliver Stone’s movie W. came on. And the hissing was kind of strange — sort of tentative hissing. Because they were hissing the president, of course — they had to do that. But they were aware it was an Oliver Stone movie, too – and Stone is good in their theology. So, they were unsure whether to hiss or not. They wanted to hiss the subject of the film, but not the film itself. You know? It was the most unusual hissing I have ever heard."
From Planet Pepe to The DreamWorld

Socialists Dreams are Alchemical. Each variant is clear on how the others go so terribly wrong, and each is adamant that, this time, the golden light of the Radiant Future will--at last-- be glimpsed: if only we give it world enough and time.
[yes, it is from 21 years ago; and the Socialist Dream dreams on]
Pepe's soulmates
A recent survey found 52 percent of eastern Germans believe the free market economy is "unsuitable" and 43 percent said they wanted socialism rather than capitalism.
RWNs turn enemy of the people into folk hero!
Populism is death, friends! Vote Harvard. Vote Columbia. Vote Sorbonne. Ho Chih Minh awaits! Justice for all! Buy boats, losers!
Pygmy Obama and his Giant Shadow

"When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set."
— Lin Yutang
To be fair to Lin Yutang, his sentence sounds far better in Mandarin [has a nice poetic rhythm and lilt] than it does in English. For a similar sentiment, put out in Lingua Nostra, is the effort by a pissed off Chargaff when he heard that Watson&Crick had come up with the structure of DNA:
""That such pygmies throw such giant shadows only shows how late in the day it has become."
For us,it is nearing twilight. And the skies are a series of dark Reds and Greens and Bleus to Die For.
Is JJ proposing, or ogling?

Her recent events drew scruffy high-schoolers in backward baseball caps, tank-topped bikers in bandanas and long-bearded veterans in berets. They crashed the rope line for photos and autographs. “Marry me, Sarah,” a man implored in Weirs Beach, N.H., while Ms. Palin held up a tow-headed toddler and patted his little chest. She ignored, or didn’t hear, the proposal, but signed the dude’s ratty baseball cap. Yes, some men come to ogle the candidate, too. “She’s beautiful,” said a man wearing a John Deere T-shirt in Weirs Beach. “I came here to look at her,” he said, and his admiration for Ms. Palin’s appearance became more and more animated. Sheepish over his ogling, he declined to give his real name (“Just call me ‘John Deere’ ”). Could it be, could it be?
Canuckia as our last, best hope?
If Barack Obama wins the U.S. presidential election, as seems probable, Harper will be left as the only surviving conservative head of government in the English-speaking world. The non-English-speaking world is not much more congenial: In Germany, a very slightly conservative party governs in coalition with Social Democrats. And in France, Nicholas Sarkozy is veering further and further left with every drop in the stock market indexes...
After the defeat impending in November, however, Republicans seem fated to recoil upon a thin inventory of purist rhetoric and antiquated policy ideas. Such a reaction could lock U.S. conservatives out of government for years to come -- and impoverish the thinking of centre-right movements worldwide.
After the defeat impending in November, however, Republicans seem fated to recoil upon a thin inventory of purist rhetoric and antiquated policy ideas. Such a reaction could lock U.S. conservatives out of government for years to come -- and impoverish the thinking of centre-right movements worldwide.
Planet Pepe Recul?
Must be because the Russkies are scared President Obama will back up Ukraine. They got hot babes, man!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Not Blue vs Red But BleuBlood vs Redneck
...In the end, this country will be destroyed by Versailles. Aristos do really Fuck It All Up.
Peggy and Sarah
She is a person of great ambition, but the question remains: What is the purpose of the ambition? She wants to rise, but what for? ... She is not as thoughtful or persuasive as Joe the Plumber, who in an extended cable interview Thursday made a better case for the Republican ticket than the Republican ticket has made. In the past two weeks she has spent her time throwing out tinny lines to crowds she doesn't, really, understand. This is not a leader, this is a follower, and she follows what she imagines is the base, which is in fact a vast and broken-hearted thing whose pain she cannot, actually, imagine. She could reinspire and reinspirit; she chooses merely to excite. She doesn't seem to understand the implications of her own thoughts. Rather sad.
JJ Rove,
palin in '08 or you're a sexist
Change To Make FCP Bleed

....they're out to get us on all fronts, boyos. Except Le Pew, he's their Lord Haw Haw.PlanetPepeMath
Gail funny
Everybody knows that anything our president says is very likely wrong, and certainly won’t happen. If he announced: “I’m sending government agents to Spokane to arrest the looters,” we would expect that the officials would get lost, nobody would be arrested, and the looters probably never existed in the first place.
So hearts sunk throughout the nation when Bush appeared at a Chamber of Commerce gathering to say that the economy would recover.
“America is the most attractive destination for investors around the globe. America is the home of the most talented and enterprising and creative workers in the world,” said the president, who also insisted that “democratic capitalism remains the greatest system ever devised.”
Which translates into: all the money is going to Asia, nobody will ever get a job again and Karl Marx was right after all.
So hearts sunk throughout the nation when Bush appeared at a Chamber of Commerce gathering to say that the economy would recover.
“America is the most attractive destination for investors around the globe. America is the home of the most talented and enterprising and creative workers in the world,” said the president, who also insisted that “democratic capitalism remains the greatest system ever devised.”
Which translates into: all the money is going to Asia, nobody will ever get a job again and Karl Marx was right after all.
Ayering Obamacles' Bidenis
If this should have substance, then Le Bleu Baracky and his trusty sidekick, "Regular" Joe, form the first known team of Plagiarists for President.
A little technical matter
.. with a piece of paper signed by a bunch of dead white men 200+ years ago. Of course, such pesky rules don't apply on Planet Pepe.
Dreams of father Karl
Just in case you are comfortable
In Praise of Getting Pissed
Interesting essay on how healthy cognition necessitates that we get pissed with one another.
Pepe Le Pew, Campaign organizer
Not present, or at least not singing the National Anthem at the rally was Londonderry senior Zach Bencal. Bencal, who sings the anthem for a number of school events and is actively involved in local community theatre, had been contacted by the Obama campaign to sing the anthem. He agreed to do so, then was told later in the evening the anthem had been scratched from the program. Bencal said he was told by the campaign the decision was a simple programming change to make room for another speaker. [...] Sandra Abrevaya, communications director for the Obama campaign's Manchester office, confirmed the choice had simply been a last-minute scratch from the rally's program, which included the Pledge of Allegiance.
What was that about Berkeley, AI? Also from Pepeland! Time to cling to some guns, boys!
What was that about Berkeley, AI? Also from Pepeland! Time to cling to some guns, boys!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Can We Just Tax Rich Liberals?
Not a bad exchange between McCain and Letterman, demonstrating Letterman is just as quick as McCain, but it seems as though it's a little late.
CATCH THE EXCERPT ABOUT 4:15 INTO THE AUDIO-VIDEO: McCain tells Letterman that, if elected, his first executive order will be to raise Letterman's taxes in order to distribute his wealth. I like that idea.
The band played the Who's "I Can't Explain" as McCain walked onstage at the Ed Sullivan Theater. After he sat down, Letterman asked, "Can you stay?"
"Depends on how bad it gets," McCain answered.
Letterman appeared to ridicule McCain about the implication that Obama and Ayers had a relationship.
"Are they double-dating, are they going to dinner, what are they doing?" Letterman asked. "Are they driving across country?"
"Maybe going to Denny's," McCain said.
While McCain risked a rough appearance -- "I haven't had so much fun since my last interrogation," he said -- it gave him the chance to show courage in the face of fire.
What can future candidates learn from this: when Wall Street is in the throws of a recession, book Letterman and Late Night instead of D.C.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Planet Pepe strikes back
Stinking peasants must be put in their place. Pinko aristos know how to do that.
Check out that rash, JJ
In mobile phone dermatitis, the rash would typically occur on the cheek or ear, depending on where the metal part of the phone comes into contact with the skin. In theory it could even occur on the fingers if you spend a lot of time texting on metal menu buttons. Not to say, on your butt, if you put your brain-fryer there.
No Wonder Brussels is the Child Porn Capital of the West
IM likes to fuck them Kufr comin' or goin', from crib to grave.
Gringas putas
OK, so you marry the most famously and most puta of them all and you don't even get a share of the proceeds? This is a shame. God damn America!
Pepe says fuck Joe the Plumber
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