Thursday, April 30, 2009

Educating Le Pew, or How to make a mouse out of what could have been a Man.

"The left’s near total domination of education at all levels, including colleges and universities, has given it ample opportunity to instill its basic values. These include a settled hatred of Western civilization, an elevation of identity groups and corresponding devaluation of common humanity, and a preference for the homogeneous group over the free-spirited individual. "


Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

Teixeira sees an advantage for the progressive left in “the replacement of older, less-educated whites in the white population by younger, more educated whites.” From this and other changes, he foresees “an end to the so-called culture wars that have marked American politics for the last several decades, with acrimonious disputes about family and religious values, feminism, gay liberation, and race frequently crippling progressives’ ability to make their case to the average American.” ... American higher education among those under 30 of all races has produced an overwhelming attachment to the politics of the progressive left.
Go piss up a rope, Mr Rot.