Monday, April 27, 2009

On The Phenomenology of The Pogrom

Or, "How Pepe Learnt to Stop Worrying and Came to Love Da Bombs"

It not only can happen here, it is happening here.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Absolutism breeds anti-semitism, this including the stuff going on in the evangelical warehouses on the edge of so many American cities, certainly entrenched in the suburbs, at least in the parts I'm typing from.

Yesterday at the coffee shop there sat three guys dressed in pin-stripped suits, talking about how they were going to market (their exact word) more evangelicalism to the youth: "If you get them when they are young, then you've almost certainly got them for life..." It's an emotion-based movement requiring no study, and all powered by spastic feeling (much like the emotion-based Political Liberal). If they aren't feeling righteous and pious — a raging great time; what they call "high on life!" — then they lead themselves to feel and believe the devil is working at them. I've attempted to explain to them why melancholy is normal. But alas, if they are down and out, it must be the devil.

Back to anti-semitism: we can certainly dance over to Catholic Bavaria, or we can footnote (mildly put) Islam. Anyone hear about that French Dreyfus affair?

Anonymous said...
