Monday, April 27, 2009

Yu Ba Ma Kowtows

Ain't AmeriSoc grand?


Pepe le Pew said...

what ?
Can't we have China's cash without any compromise ?
America can't have its cake AND eat it ?
Don't these little yellow motherfuckers realize we are the Chosen People ?
Don't they know that god blesses america (and certainly not china) ?
Jeez, what do they teach them in their commie schools?

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, sure, Pepe -- bullshitty pinko jejeune "sarcasm" will solve the problem, in no time. But I got news for you, buster: pinko-socialists are now in charge, in case you haven't noted. So that kind of bs that comes as second nature to the retarded gauchiste mind rings even more hollow than usual.

Tecumseh said...

How's that, exactly? More pinko mushroom haze enveloping the feeble Pepean mind.