Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In The Secret Recesses of His Heart Friedman 'Fesses To The Truth

Meanwhile, Le Pew keeps doing his Pepean walk over a flatbrowed Earth.


Tecumseh said...

So to recap: the Bush team kept us safe from an implacable foe by using interrogation methods which the American public approved of and by fighting (often against the admonitions of Friedman and his colleagues) and largely prevailing in Iraq. The latter effort may deal a death blow to Al Qaeda which one supposes made it a very worthwhile endeavor.
Is Pepe having a moment of temporary insanity? Nahh, can't be. His mind is more ossified than the hip bone of a Neanderthal man.

Mr roT said...

Hope! Change!

Now let's see if 0bama says the same thing.