Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Un XXL taco con mierda, por favor

We call it "el fcp especial"


Mr roT said...

Been a RINO for years like Coleman. The cocksuckers can have him.

Now he can't lose the primary.

Pepe le Pew said...

I think I'll have another layer of pink on my shiny new america

Mr roT said...

Shiny new Zimbabwe you mean.

Mr roT said...

On Rinos.

Pepe le Pew said...

you're paying too much attention to aa's nonsense. In 4 years, we'll be in a much better place than we are today and he'll still be calling for the sky to fall: it's a neurosis

Tecumseh said...

Specter has been a RINO since time immemorial. No big surprise here. What pisses me off the most here is what happened in 2004: Specter faced a tough challenge in the primaries from Pat Toomey. Stupidly, W backed Specter, on the oft-repeated theory that it's better to have a RINO than a certified pinko. Now Toomey decided to challenge Specter again. Instead of fighting like a hombre, Specter ran for the hills, and unveiled his true (pinko) colors.

Yes, for once Pepe is right: this is an XXL taco con mierda. Puking is the only possible reaction.

Tecumseh said...

A true Vichyssois - the kind Pepe admires: Specter's problem is not the party in the sense of its leadership or direction, but rather with the Republican voters in Pennsylvania. Arlen Specter switched from Democrat to Republican in 1965 so that he could win an election. He is now doing the reverse for precisely the same reason.

Tecumseh said...

More shit tacos from the MSM: Freedom? What the hell does that mean? Joys of pinko TV.