Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why McCain Got Clobbered [Reason Number 113]

And, no, none of them are due to Sarah Palin.

The Republicans are largely led by the absolutely pathetic, and the Democrats by the openly malevolent. It is the cowering Roman Senate on the one hand, and the poisonous Commodus on the other. The only ones coming out of this mess looking any good are the strong horsies of the apocalypse.


Tecumseh said...

Jeepers! Planet Rot is cracking up. Steyn is right -- this is beyond pathetic. McCain should simply ride into the sunset, instead of keeping making a fool of himself. He reached his peak a long time ago, now it's all downhill.

That said, this is typical McCain -- riding to the rescue of a pinko politico, and sucking up to get brownie points from the MSM. For the good all these brownie points did to him when election time came -- the Slimes & co dropped him like a soiled rag for the true McCoy. A story as old as Metuselah.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, your psillosibin.

Tecumseh said...

Wtf is psillosibin? Typical rotesque non-sequitur.