Saturday, April 25, 2009

On Planet Pepe, The Babes are as Smart and Learned as they are Beautiful

Hillary, Napolitano, now Albright. So much to offer, such little time. But this of Madeleine's is, well,.... this is a gem of scintillating beauty. This weekend, in truth, between Pepe and the various sadsack denizens of his Planet, we've been treated to a Radiant array of idees, fixes et mauvaises, which stamp once and for all, on the Annals of FCP history, the utter Cosmic Idiocy of PP.
A small sample, to wet the appetite. From Miss Smallbright:"There is no doubt in my mind that Muslim countries can be democracies," Albright says. "Turkey is a perfect example of that. It is very evident, and, actually, in my study of religions, in many ways Islam is maybe the most democratic religion because there is nobody between you and God. So I do not think that is something that can be used as reason not to have Muslim democracies."

She might begin by talking, you know, to some learned Believers. Perhaps beginning with the leaders of the Islamic University, in Virginia, to start with some home cookin', and save the great centers of the religion for when she is hardy enough to talk to an Imam or Ayatollah or two. But, no, she relies on her own "studies", and leaves the mosques for the rubes who think that the religious centers, schools, universities, law centers, political offices, and so on, whose offices command that religion, might have something to tell you what the religion is about. She and Le Pew were made for each other, Madeleine's dyke dick to his PePez Hilton pussy.


The Darkroom said...

as smart as beautiful:
they can't all have the looks of golda meir.

there is actually no doubt that muslim countries cannot be democracies and that the US effort at implementing such utopia in Iraq is futile.

Mr roT said...

Where's the neocon label?

Pepe le Pew said...

aa takes his keyboard droppings a lot more seriously than i do, tec.

Pepe le Pew said...

but I do admire your skills at deep throat - do you have no gag reflex?