Friday, December 31, 2010
Μολών λαβέ

Come and take it.
Ukraine comes to California
Yet far from being a paradise, Fresno is starting to resemble Zimbabwe or 1930s Ukraine, a victim of a famine machine that is entirely man-made, not by red communists this time, but by greens. Ulululululu, says Pepe.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Jewston Texas!
We all win when Texas wins. Sad to say that sometimes Tecs' home state gets in on some BS or another and it ends up in the hands of its allies like Hezbollah and Putin.
Rotter girl sets New Year Eve plans
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Signor Rota goes biodegradable
On the downside of the shift, there was the possibility the white bag could disintegrate in the rain. Shoppers worried about the strength of the new bags. Well, then, just carry the damn stuff in your hands.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Useful idiots alive and well...
...eating Haxe and Stelze and Kaiserfleisch while pinky-up pinko Tecs slurps at a rodent ulna in Nancy.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Not necessary for Massachusetts
and way too idealistic for the rest. These corrupt bastards are set up for life. Anyway, it's sort of fun.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Teaching math, the Rotter way
Of course, when you care more about \lesssims than \CDs, that's what happens: you become anal about markers.
Even Tecsian logic can appreciate this
If you elect a callow shithead of privilege, you get missiles in your arse.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Rotter danebenreden
This can be illustrated by the patient answering "3" when asked, "How many legs has a horse?" or "black" when asked "What color is snow?" or "Tuesday" when asked "What is the day after Sunday?" Day at the office. On Planet Rot.
No fair
Texas will gain four new House seats, and Florida will gain two. Gaining one each are Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington. Ohio and New York will lose two House seats each. Losing one House seat are Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Shit. A Rotten deal. Life is a biatch. Now, will Rot feel like being generous--for a change--and buy the losers a pint or three of hoppy brew at John Harvard's? Fat chance.
Shit. A Rotten deal. Life is a biatch. Now, will Rot feel like being generous--for a change--and buy the losers a pint or three of hoppy brew at John Harvard's? Fat chance.
Melanie Phillips having fun
REGURGE: How much more deeply conflicted can Planet Pepe get? Much more, apparently.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Insane pinko fuckwads
ends well. Sort of. Someone should pay for this one.
Olympia Brown just like Kerry.
Olympia Brown just like Kerry.
Lebensraum for Da Terminator
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Assange likes girls?
Pinko reaction.
Comical quote: The Guardian newspaper published previously unseen police documents that accused Mr Assange in graphic detail of sexually assaulting two Swedish women. One witness is said to have stated: "Not only had it been the world's worst screw, it had also been violent."
Related entertainment.
Biden loses his pills. Goes apeshit. Makes sense.
Comical quote: The Guardian newspaper published previously unseen police documents that accused Mr Assange in graphic detail of sexually assaulting two Swedish women. One witness is said to have stated: "Not only had it been the world's worst screw, it had also been violent."
Related entertainment.
Biden loses his pills. Goes apeshit. Makes sense.
Assange Gores Mikey Moore. Rotter Cries.

As for da Rotter, having joined with Mikey Moore with his little Latinate lust for El Castrato, even the object of his lust understands what a mountain of merda is Cuba.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
"The only point of learning to do this kind of thing is really as a mental exercise, as a way of showing how smart you are."
Tecs, how come you told me this crap is important?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Spencer in Fine and Finely Bitter Form

"Really, only Jean Raspail could have come up with this scenario: Muslims fly a plane into the largest building in America, then finagle a way to buy a piece of the crash site for pennies on the dollar using shadowy money they cannot account for, then claim that America's freedom of religion (which they reject on Islamic principle) must permit them to build on the site, then they have the infinite gall to apply for government money to build it--all the while a Christian church destroyed by the Muslims is being blocked by the very same city government, which is run by a Jewish liberal, who's betraying his own people's interests so that he can make inroads with his financial news services in the Middle East. The only way this story could be more lurid and implausible would be if NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg had made his fortune selling rope"
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Death panel vs Banksters
Of course Tecs doesn't like people who say "death panel." That kind of rhetoric is divisive and misleading.
Not fryin' chicken in the barnyard
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 09, 2010
C'est la guerre!
Of course Tecs doesn't like it unless differences are resolved by talking. With guns.
Smart power
Just fucking great. When does Obama quit?
Obama's conscience. Heh, I agree with progressives?
Obama's conscience. Heh, I agree with progressives?
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Vasko Channels Moi
The caveat is that Julian started off his first leaks with information on our combat operations in Afghanistan, and Iraq, that has definitely cost us lives and confidence. But the bulk of his releases are much more about embarassing [in his own eyes, at least] the Machiavellians; from Azerbejain to Zimbabwe, from Putin to Obamakles, from Hu to Saud. Call it Pyongyang diplomacy, if you will, but most that has so far been released has only ambiguously hurt the US but has definitely shown up some of the shibboleths of Planet Pepe.
Vasko has it right. Between Ass-angle and AmeriSoc Rex, second is far more dangerous to us all.
Vasko has it right. Between Ass-angle and AmeriSoc Rex, second is far more dangerous to us all.
JEWS! Just when Pepe thought it was safe to go in the water
Leverkuhn's Hero learns \LaTeX
...but can't set a link any better than AA.
Pinkest senator calls for a public hanging. She's pissed that Obama looks like the amateur he is, apparently.
Pinkest senator calls for a public hanging. She's pissed that Obama looks like the amateur he is, apparently.
Monday, December 06, 2010
Pinko Pavlovian reflexes
In all fairness to Pavlov's dogs, their reflexes were less predictable than Pepe's.
Assange and roT on the same page
Scrobama should resign. Immediately. Wot's this? I can't see it here in rosbifland.
Bien pensants' foreign policy
...all the while, Tecs ogles Meghan McCain and her Columbia dim-ploma. The 'stache weighs in. The CiFtards are out in force.
Tecs finds new assistantship money!
Hey Tecs! Why don't you send some kids to school over here? Bargain basement prices!
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Fast trains
Of course, we were supposed to get something like this for a tiny fraction of the gazillions that went into the "stimulus", no? But the trains I use around here still go at speeds slower than Stephenson's engine, and I ain't seen a dime of that money go into upgrading the tracks or something. Just hot air.
Lowering the bar
From comments: Palin is a blank slate onto which all sorts of different people are projecting their own dreams. She's very much like (pre-election) Obama in that respect.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Rot freezing his ass off
.. amidst global warming. I blame George W. Bush for that. In the meantime, Pepe goes to Cancun. The monks are in the cathouse.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Like a lepidopterist mounting a tough-skinned insect with a too blunt pin
Herr Rot tries his hand at high-brow prose.
A implies B
No less than George Washington was denied a commission in the British Regular Army as a young man because he was seen by British elites as a more spectacular example of "the incompetent provincial soldier." It wasn't simply that American colonists couldn't cut it professionally, in this view, it was that those who ran and served in the British Regular Army were, don't you know, just so much smarter than their American-born subjects. Stooopid Ricains.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
"OttoMan to Basha da Balkans": Ah, Back to the Future
Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu largely shares this viewpoint and the Americans are alarmed by his imperialistic tone. In a summary of a speech by Davutoglu delivered in Sarajevo in January 2010, the US ambassador wrote: "His thesis: the Balkans, Caucasus and Middle East were all better off when under Ottoman control or influence; peace and progress prevailed. Alas the region has been ravaged by division and war ever since.... However, now Turkey is back, ready to lead or even unite. (Davutoglu: 'We will re-establish this (Ottoman) Balkan')."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
AA seethes, Tecs finds his voice,
...and roT pops open a beer to watch the fur fly...
By the way, papa Bush was a dweebident.
By the way, papa Bush was a dweebident.
Putin is Batman?
AA puts in his two cents: "We have a saying in Azeri, 'Two heads cannot be boiled in one pot'". Never heard of this proverb. Can anyone explain it?
Ralph Peters pissing up a rope
The basic point is same as Palin's, but he expresses it more forcefully.
Rot explains the proper pat-down
“If you do it properly, you’re not touching the genitalia. But there is so much room for error, that’s where the problem comes because you’re in such close proximity of the areas that you are checking, it could happen.”
Monday, November 29, 2010
Assanging the Data

Julian is a Pepe, pure and simple.
Impotent and limp!!
“Her message is that all the people who think they’re so smart aren’t really so smart. That’s a message that resonates,” Frum says.
But that's a Romanian saying, isn't it Tecs? How about this:
“‘She's too stupid’ is what the Establishment GOP really thinks about Sarah Palin. ‘Good-looking,’ but a ‘ditz.’ This is unfertile ground, since Palin can turn the argument on a dime and say: ‘They drive the country into bankruptcy, they underwrite Fannie and Freddie, they bail out Goldman Sachs, they fight wars they don't want to win, they say enforcing the immigration laws is silly and they call me stupid! I'll give you a choice: You can have their smarts or my stupidity, which one do you want?’”
Ka-boom, Tecs! How's Romney lookin and where's Dan Rather's bone?
But that's a Romanian saying, isn't it Tecs? How about this:
“‘She's too stupid’ is what the Establishment GOP really thinks about Sarah Palin. ‘Good-looking,’ but a ‘ditz.’ This is unfertile ground, since Palin can turn the argument on a dime and say: ‘They drive the country into bankruptcy, they underwrite Fannie and Freddie, they bail out Goldman Sachs, they fight wars they don't want to win, they say enforcing the immigration laws is silly and they call me stupid! I'll give you a choice: You can have their smarts or my stupidity, which one do you want?’”
Ka-boom, Tecs! How's Romney lookin and where's Dan Rather's bone?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wiki Hits The The World of Dipli in the Leaki

To the moon, Alice!
Discovery: If you call the president "Scrobama" on HuffPo, people get pretty pissed!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Kraut channels moi
.. but Rot insists there is nothing else to talk about than Palin's tweets or Bristol's pas-de-deux. Like, this Kraut column on Russia. Or China. Or N/S Korea:
Obama peddling New START is the guy looking for his wallet under the lamppost because that's where the light is good - even though he lost the wallet on the other side of town.
Or, Rot peddling Palin tweets. Whatevah.
Obama peddling New START is the guy looking for his wallet under the lamppost because that's where the light is good - even though he lost the wallet on the other side of town.
Or, Rot peddling Palin tweets. Whatevah.
Another kvetching Ivy-Leaguer drinks tsuica all night
Meanwhile, state-school retard roT dines here... Mititei were excellent, Tecs! Why don't you come over and take care of some of that tab you got piled high?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
AA eats his turkey on the Pike
.. stuck between Framingham and Charlton, he finds some cheap birds.
In the meantime, a California girl has a novel idea how to go faster through the TSA gauntlet. Rotter is waiting to do the pat-down.
And Angelina, grossed out by Thanksgiving, escapes from Amerikkka. Just like Rot.
In the meantime, a California girl has a novel idea how to go faster through the TSA gauntlet. Rotter is waiting to do the pat-down.
And Angelina, grossed out by Thanksgiving, escapes from Amerikkka. Just like Rot.
Obamakles Sics Da IRS Dogs on Hymietown

If against Administration public policy is grounds for IRSing ya, looks like we're gonna get Al Caponed damn quick like, Comrades.
Wonder just how ululating Pepe da Ululator is over this one.
Joys of pseudocopulation
The male wasp mistakes the flower parts for a female wasp and attempts to copulate with it. Although termed pseudocopulation, vigorous copulation does occur, and the male wasp ejaculates enough so that the emissions are visible to the naked eye on the flower parts.
Snake does the Coanda two-step dance
The snakes aren't horizontal during their glide; they're actually tilted up about 25 degrees relative to the airflow created by their flight. They hold the front half of their bodies fairly still, with the exception of the side-to-side undulations. Meanwhile, their tails move up and down.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
"Deport them all!" says Tecs.
Make sure to hit this link.
Why Czechs don't have seizures.
I've had that! Went away on its own when I got my glasses.
Why Czechs don't have seizures.
I've had that! Went away on its own when I got my glasses.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Carpe Diem, O Caesar
In a more virile age, the passengers would have strapped him down
Ah, the good ole days of William F.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hold der bus?
REGURGE: Ghailani’s lawyer praised the verdict as “a reaffirmation that this nation’s judicial system is the greatest ever devised.” Or, in other words, “Thanks for everything, suckers.”
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Rot hides under the table

Here it comes to the rest of us, from Pinkochusetts
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington
George Washington
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thank you for traveling Czech National Railways and we are looking for you again!
Seems they aren't over the Commie period.
Seems they aren't over the Commie period.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
W vs O, or, Texas meets Hamlet on the Potomac
In his book, Bush views Obama with a kindlier eye than he does John McCain, the Republican candidate.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A question
As a new label, which is better, "It's an Obortion" or "It's Obyssmal"?
[Watch Tecs come unglued about the link...]
[Watch Tecs come unglued about the link...]
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Special Olympics of international relations
Obama claims strengthened hand in global dealings
AP - President Barack Obama claimed a stronger hand on the world stage Friday despite [1] electoral defeats at home, [2] failure to get a free-trade agreement with South Korea and [3] lackluster international support for his get-tough policy with China on trade and currency disputes.
But hey! What do you expect?
AP - President Barack Obama claimed a stronger hand on the world stage Friday despite [1] electoral defeats at home, [2] failure to get a free-trade agreement with South Korea and [3] lackluster international support for his get-tough policy with China on trade and currency disputes.
But hey! What do you expect?
Kraut for curry
Good sense.
On the other hand... apeshit bananas.
NYT loon calls Obama airy-fairy. You know you're shit when that happens.
On the other hand... apeshit bananas.
NYT loon calls Obama airy-fairy. You know you're shit when that happens.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What does Tecs care? He's on a diet!
A bad day to be Stuttaford, but Tecs keeps getting financial advice from Bill Buckley! And anyway, Austria and Germany will pick up the tab.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
Classy guy, Gibbsy
Obama's isolated now. Let's see if AA and Tecs don't start pulling hard for him soon.
Why Sharron Angle was a good choice after all
Reid in the spotlight six more years! Kraut thinks things over.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Christie is good
He takes on the pinko MSM (acting, as usual, as agitprop propagandists), but also has this to say regarding a raging FCP post-mortem: “I think Delaware was a missed opportunity to have a really good United States Senator in Mike Castle,” he said, referencing the race Republican Christine O’Donnell lost. “And that’s why I endorsed him in the primary.”
Putin at the wheel
Renault makes Formula 1 cars? I thought their cars are only good for barbecuing on the streets in Paris or Marseille. Non?
Fast cars,
Putin just doesn't get it
Saturday, November 06, 2010
When the Cowboys Rode Into Town, the Existential Cowboy Sung The Bleus
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