Sunday, February 28, 2010

Al Gore tries to dig himself out of a pile of snow


Arelcao Akleos said...

I can't decide what proportion of Gore's bullshit is due to conscious fraud vs what is due to rank stupidity vs what is due to refusal to examine the dogmas of the Left. But whatever the proportions, the mixture is the purest Pepeana

Mr roT said...

It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that Al Gore faces an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale measures to protect him from human civilization as we know it.

Unfortunately he'll probably get away with his skin.

Tecumseh said...

Don't misunderestimate him, boys. After all, he made a cool $100million peddling this global warming snake oil since he lost the elections in 2000. He may sound like a babbling fool to you, but he's laughing all the way to the bank.

Mr roT said...

I don't think he's a fool. I think he's a criminal.

Mr roT said...

Holy shit the Drudge headline if lovely for this!!


Tecumseh said...

My headline is not as cute--granted--but I do have a better pic. A small detail: did you notice how Al Gore refers to the East Anglia emails as being "stolen", in a rather transparent effort to cast aspersions on their validity and significance? Of course, no pinko will ever refer to those emails as being "leaked" -- the way they would do with p=100% if it was a Pentagon document dealing with terrorists or something being leaked during the Bush administration. The lefty modus operandi is so predictable...

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Don't misunderestimate him, boys. After all, he made a cool $100million peddling this global warming snake oil "

Hmmmm..... Sounds like a vote for a very high proportion of "conscious fraud".
I do believe it is a pretty high proportion, but don't misunderestimate the ability of a pious fool to profit fraudulently from what he believes to be a pious truth. For example, I do believe Jimmy Swaggart believed in Sweet Baby Jesus--even as he believed in taking full advantage of sweet bung juju.