Saturday, February 27, 2010

Brit whines about something or other


Mr roT said...

James Corum is Dean of the Baltic Defence College in Estonia. He has taught at American and British staff colleges and is the author of seven books on military history and counter-insurgency. He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserve (rtd) and has 28 years' experience as an army officer.

A Brit? How about a 'Boam?

Now about the (real) Brits and the Falklands, seems to me that this is up in the air. If BP dumps a bunch of crude in Buenos Aires Harbor, the Argentines will have every reason to be pissed as hell. Also, Argentina getting no action on the mineral rights over there is a goddamned rip off.

This blowhard adopted Estonian Preparation H peddler should stuck to issues in the Americas that matter when he's taking down Hillary, like her backing up Chavez over Micheletti and so on.

With a president overwhelmed by domestic problems, Hillary Clinton has failed to step in and set a foreign policy vision. Simply put, she does not have the brains or the experience to develop a coherent foreign policy vision for America. This is how we get policy mistakes on issues such as the sovereignty of the Falklands.

Sovereignty of the Falklands is overstating the issue. Argentina is not trying to take over.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, it is. The Malvinas ain't stamped with an Argentine flag in the kiddies' textbooks for no goddamn reason. From Tupamaros to Galatieri, da Gauchos fixed on that concept.

Mr roT said...

And so Hillary is supposed to suck BP's dick because some dumb education bosses print the local name for the islands in their texts.

This is AAian logic at its finest.

The Corum guy is essentially claiming that to develop a coherent foreign policy vision for America is to support the UK in whatever it does.

That's bullshit and he can go get blown at Eton all he wants.

Tecumseh said...

Guy sounded British to me. Whatever. Here is another facet of the story. Curiouser and curiouser. What do you make of it, boys?

Unknown said...

So Rott confuses the one unifying expression of "manifest" destiny Argentina has at hand for some educrat's textbook dressing. The hocum that is Rott's Logik at its wiener best.

As for what the heck is going on, look's like the Demos want to play the "play the Teddy Roosevelt card to profit personally like a crazy ass Henry Kissinger yet be a regional Hero for a while as you piss on the Brits" card.
Hey, it worked for Repubs. Give the 'tards their due.

Mr roT said...

I had been thinking about the Monroe Doctrine, actually. How is it that my conservative fiends here just junk that when it's aimed at a bunch of flitting Etonite poms banging their mash?

Mr roT said...

Tecs, Hillary plays hardball inre the WOT? Pinch me!