Friday, February 26, 2010

RWNs don't blow it?

What's going on? I thought the whole point of the GOP was to caricature rednecks. Not bad, Ryan. I hope your pick-up doesn't have a "coexist" bumper sticker on it like Scotty's.
The script.
Numbers and feelings. We are not amused.


Tecumseh said...

Ryan is good. He was relentless with your numbers. But hey, what do numbers mean in pinkoland? It's just feelings that count.

Tecumseh said...

Yep, just saw that:
2/26/2010 -20 23% 43% 44% 55%
A heckuva job.

Tecumseh said...

More polling.

Mr roT said...

This is a senseless crusade for these idiots far beyond what anyone ascribed to W's. This is political suicide and they seem to be going along.

I can't wait for the house vote. I just wonder if it will be hilarious or tragic or both.

Tecumseh said...

Barone: The government will use the "science" of comparative effectiveness research to achieve cost savings the only way government can: denial of care. The Soviet medical system kept down the heart disease caseload by placing cardiac care units on the fifth floor, walk up.

Pepe himself could not have devised a better health care system.

Tecumseh said...

Goldberg channels his inner Beals: It was mind-bogglingly, soul-achingly, sand-poundingly, metaphysically, and ontologically boring.

Mr roT said...

Pretty funny, sand-poundingly, ontologically. Can he do it? Hegel yeah!