Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tecs' heartthrob really gets goin' unifyin' theories and pretty much makin' it all make sense... him. Hey, how about adopting that bullshit standard, Tecs? Maybe you can pay for some VCP since you and RP have a veritable Fort Knox of it around.


Tecumseh said...

Yes, when RuPaul gets going, he's on a tear! Oh, man, oh, man. So the Federal Reserve bankrolled the Watergate plumbers? WTF is he talking about? Must be something in that Galveston hooch.

Mr roT said...

CPAC must've missed this one.

Anonymous said...

Sorry --- this photo reminds me of another 'bullshit
standard' that we once discussed, namely: Using cow shit is OK as long as you can, a lá Valazquez, emulate the filigree in Juan de Pareja's collar lace.

A. Leverkuhn

Tecumseh said...

Not to be picky, but it's Velázquez.

Tecumseh said...

BTW, Herr Rot, cool pic. What's that, a pile of elephant dung?

Mr roT said...

I think it's of the bovine variety.

Lever, I don't recall the conversation to which you allude. I would imagine it taking place after a BSO concert, stripjoint run, and a lost battle against several bottles of firewater.