Saturday, February 27, 2010

Freddie wakes up


Mr roT said...

Mrs Reid has only herself to blame.

Tecumseh said...

Mr Reid faces lots of quality time with Mrs Reid come November.

Mr roT said...

One hopes. I am worried about Hayworth types going and spoiling things.

Tecumseh said...

-21 at Rasmussen.

Tecumseh said...

Why do you keep worrying about J.D.? I think it's extremely healthy for the body politic to have hotly contested primaries, and not simply keep re-electing on automatic pilot Senators-for-Life. What, are you afraid Jean-Francois "Marsha" Mac is gonna get his feet wet if he gets challenged by the stinking peasants?

Mr roT said...

I am all for primary challenges as long as they don't split the party. McCain would certainly be vulnerable to an attack from the right but voters in the general could buy the idea that there's no difference between McCain and the Dem, if a lot of Repubs said it! Then we get Harry Reid from Az instead. Great move.

Az has a tricky deal with Mexicans and the GOP better not lose them by going to far right on immigration. I am not talking about immigration legislation, which the voting Mexicans support about like everyone else. I am talking about demagoguery that GOPers sometimes use in elections. You send them all to the Dems and the country is done for.

I also do not particularly like McCain, for the following reason. When your side is on firm ground, you should press your advantages. I think he stays pretty moderate even when the GOP is in a strong position. When was McCain - Feingold?

It is also true that no party should let extremists anywhere near nationwide office. They wreck the brand and turn off people from places that would never elect them.

Not that his is an elected position, but Rush Limbaugh makes republicans look like douches. He has an occasional quip here and there, but he's a fatass bore rabblerouser faux-moralist no matter what Steyn says. Listen to Rush if you can stand it for 5 minutes.

A birther like Hayworth in the House is worse for the GOP than Van Jones as czar of pink energy or whatever. Reason is that the GOP is supposed to look serious. No one expects that from the Dems anyway.