Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hey Leverkühn! Eat your goddam leverworst

The Flying Dutchman is coming to town! Have fun in Madras. Sopranos are great over there.


Tecumseh said...

Middle of the pack at Taranto. Dog bites Rot.

Mr roT said...

Critics! If I'm first, I am crucified. If I am second, I get a haha, no cigar. If in the middle, then I am hoi polloi, and last place you don't understand the value of.

Tecs, you're tough to please.

Tecumseh said...

You gotta make a diagram with the T. ratings. I still don't understand the system. Is there a sorting algorithm there, or is it all random? You explained to me once it has something to do with the placement of the stories, but there are many more names than stories. So I still don't get it.