I watched Glen Beck's speech -- more like a show than a speech. It's pretty good show biz, though he was sweating like a pig, and kind of ADD at times. But really, as Bennett says, he gives Neanderthals a bad name with his Logik.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The old "everyone is a big fat idiot" shtick. So OK, Bennett (with two ts, by the way) is a fatass. But he was very sharp back in the Reagan days. He's been slippin' (don't we all?), but he's still making more sense than Glen Beck.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The old "everyone is a big fat idiot" shtick. So OK, Bennett (with two ts, by the way) is a fatass. But he was very sharp back in the Reagan days. He's been slippin' (don't we all?), but he's still making more sense than Glen Beck.
...with two ns?
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