Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Amazing piece. A little background on a sidekick. Nice job, Dems.
REGURGE: Uh, must read. This is really great.


Tecumseh said...

Wow! This guy is top-notch. Keep him in mind, willya?

Tecumseh said...

In 2005, a Navy Seal team dropped into Afghanistan encountered goat herders who clearly intended to inform the Taliban of their whereabouts. The team leader ordered them released, against his better military judgment, because of his worries about the media and political attacks that would follow.

In less than an hour, more than 80 Taliban fighters attacked and killed all but one member of the Seal team and 16 Americans on a helicopter rescue mission.

Pinko sicko logic pushed to its inevitable, deadly conclusion. Yet, of course, that's the kind of story that sets tingles up Pepe's leg.

Tecumseh said...

In other news: well, duhhh... Took only 4 months, instead of 4 minutes.

Mr roT said...

Yoo for president. He and Hu would make for great summits.