Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fareed has got the solution

.. to all our problems. Magic.


Mr roT said...

I thought Obamacare was going to fix all this? WTF?

Actually, the VAT is a funny idea coming from a pinko. The poor schmuck has to pay for everything. OK, fine.

Raising retirement age? Fine with me. Good idea.

What about cutting entitlements? Good too.

Tecumseh said...

Yep--in Euroland and England you gotta pay a ton of VAT of everything. It's like a state tax, only 3 or 4 times higher. Joys of Nanny State.

Retirement? What's that? Only Greeks retire. Other schmucks gotta work till they drop dead, to pay for the joys of the Nanny State. And avoid said Nanny State paying pensions. It's all making sense.