Sunday, February 28, 2010

Exists is equivalent to not exists

REGURGE for another example of fuzzy thought.


Tecumseh said...

Right. This is a gift that keeps on giving. To sum up the link you put up:

x\in A \Longrightleftarrow x \notin A

How's that for Pepean logic at its best? I wouldn't call it fuzzy, though. It's very precise. More like, dog biting his own tail?

Mr roT said...

How about this?

Mr roT said...

You're right that the implication goes both ways, though this is not clear. In Pepean logic, it might not be permissible to swap A with ¬A.

So, Pelosi says a nonexistent bill exists that GOPers would be in on even if they unanimously voted against it, while not having an alternative that they have.

Alles klar, Woyzeck?

Tecumseh said...

You're giving me a headache, Herr Rot! No way I can follow such a convoluted logic. You know what you gotta do if you want me to follow you: you got to draw a CD. In xypic.

In the meantime, here is an oh, duhh story.

Mr roT said...

But we're beating the crap out of the Brits finally!

Mr roT said...

Tecs trying to understand Pepean logique. Sad story.