Friday, February 19, 2010

How many 5th columns does the US need?

More. Goddamned parasites. An old fifth column now revising, editing, lying.


Tecumseh said...

It's down to "Americans need not apply", huh?

Tecumseh said...

Those 5 guys at Ft Jackson were out to pioison the food supply? So how come we didn't hear about it till now? Doesn't fit the narrative?

Tecumseh said...

Never heard of LMFAO. What are these guys doing? Some kind of "entertainment"?

Mr roT said...

1) Americans need not apply for the outfit that runs the Three Mile Island nuke plant. Hmm.

2) The Ft Jackson Five I am sure meant no harm.

3) LMFAO are probably a group that dispenses humor a la Pepe. Decent people are shit and should be treat as such is Joke #1.

Of course, I am guessing here, but I would be willing to bet one of the VCPs you owe me.

Tecumseh said...

No bet on that -- you are almost surely right, so why would I bet? I'd only bet with you on presidential politics, where I clearly have a >80%-20% chances of winning, based on my stellar record.

Mr roT said...

This Christianist keeps updating. Those Jesus types do a good job when it fits their agenda, huh?

Tecumseh said...

Terrorism expert Patrick Poole, an anti-terrorism consultant for the U.S. military and law enforcement, told CBN News that "if this incident had become public in late December while the military was still working on the Ft. Hood report it would have no doubt been catastrophic. What exactly happened at Ft. Jackson and why is this only coming out now? That's a question that Congress should be asking. "

Precisely my question.

Mr roT said...

Congress will keep well-behaved and roll over. If a Repub says anything, Obama and Holder will stonewall.

Arelcao Akleos said...

How many 5th columns does the USSA need? As many as it takes.