Friday, April 16, 2010

A candidate that AA and Tecs can get behind.

C´mon boys! Send some money to Crist!


Arelcao Akleos said...

Sounds like McCain has gone Crister....
Now, who was it so gung ho for Ol' Johnny in 2008?

Tecumseh said...

Not only gung-ho: Crist practically handed out the nomination on a silver plate to Mac when he threw his weight behind his candidacy in early 2008. I just don't like his oily smile -- looks too much like a used car salesman or something.

Tecumseh said...

In other news: JD is breathing on Mac's neck. Rot rants about truthers, or birthers, or Van Jones, or something.

Mr roT said...

Az could become the first seethocracy. Only question is how long it would take you to move there, Tecs.