Friday, April 16, 2010

Does Tecs side with the Harridan or with the Slick wienie?

Jeez, this is a tough call. I´ll give even odds but won´t bet.


Tecumseh said...

Choices, choices... Life is too complicated. At any rate, Palin is starting to think and write better. If only she could speak in a more mellifluous voice...

Mr roT said...

Sez you of all people... How´s that lounge act coming along, Tecs.
Here in Leipzig there are a lot of musicians around. You should give it a shot.

Tecumseh said...

Are you complaining about my voice, or about my lounge act?

Mr roT said...

The lounge act is tolerable after a couple comandeered plastic coke bottles. The singing goes downhill after said plastic bottles though...