Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I feel so much safer now

REGURGE: How come the Russians don't elect dufuses? No fair!
REREGURGE: Obava's secret weapon.


Arelcao Akleos said...

In little more than a year Obamakles has gone remarkably far in the deconstruction of the USA. Domestically the government is rapidly aggrandized into an Ottoman monstrosity. Externally the nations power is rapidly demolished and the world made safe for tyrants and Versailles.
Rott tends to consider The One to be of limited brainpower, in comparison to certain masters of sneer found on the Sunday morning telly. That would be a tenable judgement only if we were to assume that the rapidfire series of self-inflicted blows against this country were not what was intended by this administration...that it was just a series of lucky breaks for Planet Pepe.
Bullshit. AmeriSoc knows exactly what it aims to do to this country, and it knows exactly how to do it. Chicago leads the way simply because Chicago has longer succesful experience in doing just that to its own folk. Practice makes praxis perfect.

Tecumseh said...

For some reason, I'm reminded of Gorby. Do you guys see any parallels (imperfect, for sure)?

Mr roT said...

Obama would make a great loser-in-faculty somewhere.

Tecumseh said...

The Russians play chess. We play hopscotch.

Tecumseh said...

Self-gelding as an art form.

Tecumseh said...

Kraut can't decide whether to cry or to laugh.

Arelcao Akleos said...

It's a non-exclusive or, Kraut, laugh through your tears.

Tecumseh said...

Adios, Tomahawk.