Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Molotov cocktails


Arelcao Akleos said...

Hey, he has diplomatic immunity. Holder's gonna have to let him walk now, eh?

What was that the gerbils of Planet Pepe were bleating about it ain't got nuttin to do with Islam, be it Militant or be it Radical?

They're right! It is the attack of the Diplomats. So fearsome they give no Qatar.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Even better. Holder declares it all a "misunderstanding". Great stuff.

Tecumseh said...

More: marshalls were alerted to a passenger who had taken a long time in one of the plane's toilets. When he emerged, a marshall could smell smoke and asked the man what had happened.

His alleged reply was: 'I was trying to set my shoes on fire.'

Obviously, something was lost in translation. He must have been talking about those jalapeno peppers that set the gerbils on fire when he went to the toilet.