Monday, April 05, 2010

Now they tell us

AA-land bitchin' and moanin'.


Mr roT said...

Pay up, Tecs. Weren't you all hot for Romney a while back or was that Kerry?

Tecumseh said...

La meme Jeanette autrement coifee?

Tecumseh said...

Taranto says:

Tales of tea-party racism could have been calculated to demoralize America's anti-ObamaCare majority by presenting them with an ugly choice: accept the fate the Democrats have imposed upon us, or side with (as the Christian Science Monitor puts it) "neo-Klansmen and knuckle-dragging hillbillies." The strange new respect for the tea-party movement suggests that this approach is too invidiously partisan even for the mainstream media.

You'd think so? Naahh. Das Rotter must have fed Taranto some double dose of ouzo.