Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Taranto hands it to Romney

Former governor Mitt Romney, in many ways an attractive candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, led the Bay State "reform" effort and to this day refuses to admit he made a mistake.

In Romney's defense, he did a lot less damage as governor of a single state than Barack Obama did as president of 50. But try putting that on a bumper sticker.


Tecumseh said...

Ouchh! And you didn't even have anything to do with this demolition derby! Life ain't fair.

Mr roT said...

I used up my quota sending in the Annals link you suggested.

Talk about not being fair, Tecs...

Tecumseh said...

You're limited to one link per day? Ain't fair. Also, looks like Taranto didn't bite...

Mr roT said...

Not really limited, but I try not to send in more than one a day.

Anyway, I travelled all day yesterday and so didn't have a lot of time to pick and choose.

Still I blame you and demand a VCP.
