Friday, April 09, 2010

Stupak out

Seems that Dr Obama aborted another one.
REGURGE: How about Washington State? Any chance of a pickup there? --tecs
REREGURGE: one more under the bus.


Tecumseh said...

Could no longer look himself up in the mirror in the morning?

Mr roT said...

He's a politico, so I don't think that's it.
I think the voters were going to desert him.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, he figured there's gonna be plenty of opportunities out there now that he's done been loyal to Obamakles. After all, why shouldn't da Bart enjoy a little Stimulation?

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of which, here's a new study: 84% of U.S. voters now see government ethics and corruption as a very important issue. When it comes to which party voters trust more on the issue, 35% trust Democrats, 33% trust Republicans, and 33% are not sure. ... However, this is the only issue on which voters trust Democrats. Republicans are trusted more on nine out of 10 key issues.

Right. This is the one issue where I have complete trust in Harry Pelosi and Nancy Reid. The most ethical [fill in the blanks] evah!