Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sarah Palin vs Corrupt Bastards' Scheming

The great sagas never die.
An interesting subtext here is that Sarah won her governorship on a very Tea Partyish anticorruption platform--aimed just as freely at republican operators [such as Murkowski's papa] as at democrat apparatchiks. This is very much an "the Empire strikes back" move, an oeuvre in Red and Brown against the reactionary bourgeosie and upstart kulaks. The CBS guys are just cheap ho's to the gangstas.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Elevating the discourse
Day at the office in the Pepean Cloaca Maxima: "I masturbate to Christine O'Donnell," "Communism was a red herring." One sign had Hitler mustaches on pictures of Sarah Palin, Eric Cantor, Glenn Beck and John Boehner. The message said, “Afraid yet?”
Harry Turtledove meets Mac
And with a little bit of luck, some of the infrastructure spending might have had a longer-term benefit beyond the purely Keynesian proposition of paying Joe to dig a hole and Jane to fill it in. I thought this goes the other way around, non?
Shoulda put a horse's head on the bed, instead
Of course, Herr Rot has been telling us for many years what a swell guy Crist is. Rot likes his tan, that's why. And the fact he pulled for Mac. The rest are mere details.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Kerry slams knuckle-dragging, stump-toothed Appalachian mountain men

Guy in the pic going to the pokey. Nice hat. Better than Kerry's.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Fox was Ditzy Like a Fox
Gravitas to the Bone
The Grizzlies take Tecumseh's advice, and then some. Pauvre Russie.
Of course, Herr Rot says: deport
I say, let him run against La Palin in the primaries, and see how it goes.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Rotter girl explains the penumbras of the Constitution
... why and Article n, Section m never applies, whereas \emptyset applies. Of course, it all depends on what the definition of is is.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Rot tries his hand at getting out the college vote

REGURGE: Maybe Tovarisch Rotsky will notice his pic.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tecs = Harry Reid
"We found ourselves in a hole that I didn't dig, but I have dug, dug and dug to try to get out of that hole," Reid said.
Harvard rulz!
Bill Clinton spoke like a Good Ol' Boy from the Deep South, ate junk food and enjoyed trashy women. Obama, by contrast, has become a parody of the Ivy League liberal smugly content with his own intellectual superiority and pitying the poor idiots who disagree with him.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Julian Assangel right and Tecs/AA wrong
And, as usual, Tecs roots for the pseudoscientific community.
SoCal is Rotterland

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Looks like Da Aliens Done Fucked Up His Skull Bigtime
Friday, October 22, 2010
Freedom, pinko style
Of course, pinkos have no principles, so they don't even know how to spell the word: Despite many conversations and warnings over the years, Juan has continued to violate this principal.
We are all French now
One protester carried a sign reading “To hell with the national debt! We’ll give them nothing and we don’t give a damn about their AAA.” These are socialism’s spoiled brats.
More on this (quintessentially FCP) theme: half of all the net new jobs created in the United States (from August 2009 to August 2010) were created in Texas. According to White House logic, Obama must simply love Texas, since he’s the one creating all of those jobs.
More on this (quintessentially FCP) theme: half of all the net new jobs created in the United States (from August 2009 to August 2010) were created in Texas. According to White House logic, Obama must simply love Texas, since he’s the one creating all of those jobs.
A new branch of cognitive science
Even as we speak, the social-democratic model Obama is openly and boldly trying to move America toward is unraveling in Europe. It's not just the real prospect of financial collapse in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, with even the relatively more stable major countries in severe distress. It is the visible moral collapse of a system that, after two generations of increasing cradle-to-grave infantilization, turns millions of citizens into the streets of France in furious and often violent protest over what? Over raising the retirement age from 60 to 62!
The Battleship Petraeus
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Juan for Da Road in Ol' Versailles
OJ drops on croc. Croc gets mad. Stampede ensues.
All in a day's work. At the office. On Planet Rot.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
New York, New York

Kristin Davis, a former prostitution madam, made frequent brothel jokes. Jimmy McMillan, the candidate of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party, responded to a question about same-sex marriage by declaring “If you want to marry a shoe, I’ll marry you.”
And Carl P. Paladino, the Republican candidate, startled those watching by accidentally walking off stage during the closing statements, in search of the men’s room. “When you gotta go, you gotta go.”
Monday, October 18, 2010
But Tecs of course wants the rabble to keep quiet
Great piece, all the way to the last paragraph, which is a sharp knife.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Barney's buddy at the wheel
REGURGE: More about Barney: “Barney was a famous person at sixteen,” Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard Law School professor, who dated a classmate of Frank’s at Bayonne High School, said. “He talked exactly like he talks now, and he was always talking, always involved in every kind of politics. Because Bayonne was such a sleazy place, nobody knew whether Barney was going to wind up in Congress or in jail.” According to Frank, his father was involved with the Mafia. “Funzi Tieri, a big-time gangster with the Genovese family, came to my brother David’s bar mitzvah, when I was twenty-three,” he said. Sam Frank died at the age of fifty-three, while Barney was an undergraduate at Harvard, and Barney took a year off to help resolve the family’s tangled financial affairs. “The Mafia guys were very helpful to me at the time,” he said.
BTW, AA and I were listening to Dershowitz the other day. Did he tell you about that?
BTW, AA and I were listening to Dershowitz the other day. Did he tell you about that?
Even avid Obama supporters are more realistic than Rot
.. when it comes to illegal immigration. Of course, Rot is a Johnny-one-note on that: you're either for 100% open borders (at least to the South) and total amnesty for illegal immigrants, or you're for rounding up and deporting anyone without an Anglo-Saxon name. There's no middle ground: Rotter Logick in a nutshell.
A bad day for Herr Rott,
deport them all
Chavez pisses up a rope
No, not Hugo, Linda. Hey, what does she expect from Harvard? To teach you how to shovel? Or build gizmos? Oh, c'mon, get real.
Pepe having seconds thoughts?
Nah. He's busy chomping on those special tacos he promised us. They've been delivered, all right.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
There is no AQ in Iraq
(Well, perhaps only in Mesopotamia.) A basic tenet of Pepean Logick being put to the test, once again.
Barney rulz!
When Frank is re-elected (and alas, I believe he will be), it will be an indictment of the voters of his district - indisputable truth that these posturing, suburban liberals don’t understand the issues or care about results. They vote Democrat for the same reason they pay $6 for coffee at a Starbucks, because “we’re that kind of people.”
PIGS indeed
So Ireland falls apart and whose fault is it? Stuttaford says (of course) Angela Merkel! Hey, you give a drunk a coin, what do you think he'll do with it?
What a slimeball
Of course, Rot has been enamored of Crist going all the way back to February of '08, when Crist handed on a silver platter the nomination to Mac, by endorsing him at the last minute.
Harvard meets the shovel-ready goo
This is an old progressive lament: Our product is perfect, we just didn't sell it convincingly to the rubes. It's all Rot's fault, of course.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Even the WaPo gets Palin better than Tecs!
Must be old age. You need to go to Prague or Vegas, Tecs. Keep you yawng!
Jesse Ventura a truther?
Interesting. I remember when AA was slobbering over him as a new anti-elite messiah. What happened? How could it be that he's a crank? I thought normals didn't believe all that bullshit and only the elites like Van Jones bought into it. Hmm.
AA, can fire melt steel?
AA, can fire melt steel?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Harvard ex-don vs impertinent sophomore
In many ways, Martha Coakley was a better candidate than Barney Frank. The soft bigotry of lowered expectations...
pinko Versailles,
Stinking Peasants
Lovely and hilarious VDH meltdown
Can almost never trust the extreme guys, AA and Tecs. Before long they blather some kind of bullshit that's so far from making sense that even you two get it.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Your standard-issue Rotterian candidate

South Dakota Degeneracy
Of course, Rot thinks Che was a swell fellow

Krystal having a ball with der Rotter's rote Nase

RUGURGE: Krystal speaks now that she took that thing out of her mouth. Funny, I know a physicist that named his daughter Krystal too. I thought it was pretty stupid at the time also.
Depowat dem oall! Dey twolk fonny
Perfectly reasonable opinions that Tecs calls beyond the pale. Of course, Tecs is in Barney Frank's district...
Monday, October 11, 2010
They Hate Us Because of the Tuxedo

Another Non-traitor in the Rott Pantheon of "Article 3? What's that??"
"I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be one...... I am terrifically proud to be a part of such a religion and what Muslim wouldn’t?......... The most important of these obstacles today is obviously America. It is America who has her military and intelligence bases spread throughout our lands in order to help protect their client governments from Muslims who work for Islam’s establishment. It is America who has killed millions of Muslims around the world and is able to get away with it wearing a tuxedo."
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Did I say Islam invented everything?
I meant Communism and Islam together invented everything. And the Constitution is bunk.
Of course Tecs and AA still pine for Goldwater,
Mr Principle who handed us the Great Society. Good thinkin, boys.
Of course Tecs takes this lèse majesté stuff seriously don't expect a reaction from him over this outrage du jour.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Repost of an article AA didn't link properly
AA, the following code makes this link: Dr Zero.
At some point, Dr 0 says we're not a banana republic. Oh yeah? How come our goddamned APS acts like it? How come sluts at Duke act like it? How come the voters act like it? Who the hell else is left?

AA, regarding our IM conversation,
...this guy is really lost. Perhaps more lost than you.
Something for Tecs.
Something for Tecs.
The Three Amigos gamboling on Planet Gore
A little rounding error: this is what happens when you use Rotterian \lessims, instead of precise \CDs.
Jean-Francois Kerry,
Jean-Francois Mac
A "concerned" scientist
The one up top is concerned that justice will be done. This one actually wants justice.
Interesting principle here, I think Ace mentioned it first. It's that any organization tends to move left. The reason Ace proposes is that these outfits are run by people that don't really make anything but instead take dues and do with them what they think is best with it. This is the principle behind the NRA endorsing more Dems than Reps this election and the AARP always being way out to the left of its members.
Interesting principle here, I think Ace mentioned it first. It's that any organization tends to move left. The reason Ace proposes is that these outfits are run by people that don't really make anything but instead take dues and do with them what they think is best with it. This is the principle behind the NRA endorsing more Dems than Reps this election and the AARP always being way out to the left of its members.
Friday, October 08, 2010
Michelle back in Marbella
Speaking of Nobel dreams, if those schmucks gave Lit to deathsquad rwn Vargas Llosa and now are now giving Peace to a wreckler like this Chinese guy, does this mean they're atoning for Obama/Rigoberta Menchu/Arafat?
How do you say RINO in Britspeak?
Hey, AA, are we going to hear more about this, and diss on der Rotter while quaffing beer and bacalhau?
Tecs and AA coach Cali nutsack on political discourse
Tecs and AA scream Hussein! while Gov Moonbeam hollers Hussy! Peas in a pod. Day at the office. x=x. DUUUHHH!
UPDATE: Tecs and AA Rove really bringin that Yankee know-how to the rubes in Cali.
UPDATE: Tecs and AA Rove really bringin that Yankee know-how to the rubes in Cali.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Another Step to Absolute Power
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Portrait in Courage
We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful. -- C.S. Lewis
Tecs' pinko strain explained

Something about the cut of Romney's job or something.
Another positive take on Oboobwa from the far, far, far right.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Tecs and AA's brilliant hero teaches America about reasoned discourse
Fat asshole will get us a couple Dem senators this way.
Another Rovian moment in the same day. Rush wants Harry Reid.
Another Rovian moment in the same day. Rush wants Harry Reid.
Rot freezing his ass off
.. amid global warming. Have a schnapps on me. I'll pay you back when hell freezes over.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Tecs teaching a class
Who is that guy in the first row not paying attention to \CD's? I think I know.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Air Gaga Ain't Hallal
Sigh....obviously not the American way. Nice to be reminded of just how miserable flying in this country has become.
a great job,
Coanda smiles,
Our Way is Not Very Nice
When Too Many Jews Are on Board, There Is Always a Solution

No doubt she was brash, no doubt the refined gent found her presence in Versailles unbecoming to his Bleu sensibilities. The ship's captain knew which side his bread would be most heavily buttered by. A simple story, with an ending honored by long tradition. Possible that Pepe would be conflicted over this one, but more likely he would join in consigning Neokkkoness Sher to da briny deep doo doo of the cruise set.
Tecs still misses Castle, Bennett, Murkowsky, Specter...

Hey Tecs! Didn't know you had a tattoo! BTW, what flag they flying back there?
A feast of quotes from the real right.
O'Rourke interview. Not bad.
The progressive mindset, O’Rourke thinks, amounts to a faith that "if you could just get the smartest people in the world together in a room, then by golly you can figure out a health care program. It’s this kind of contempt for the ordinary person’s expertise and what is best for him or her — contempt for the fundamental principle interest of self-interest that the world rests on — that [Obama] took away from the 1960s in large bags and cartons."
Saturday, October 02, 2010
But none of 'em are Rotterish
Still, pretty damn good. The Brit accents were really fine...but my favourite was #14.
Sunshiny Tuscany

Of course he's right. But he was a analyst and geometer. Tecs, on the other hand, always told me this was going to be a lot of fun, and easy and I'd get the chicks. But no, it's piles and piles of \lessims that sometimes run to \gtrsims and then what? Eh, Tecs? What then?
Oh, now I ask Tecs for some advice or even for a simple \ack and all I get is a suggestion to go out and pick cotton or I'll be deported.
Thanks, Tecs. You're a real prince.
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