Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another cause: apostrophe

About four years ago I was made aware of the politicalization of the apostrophe (for example, some Scotsmen refuse to use apostrophe for what they regard as Scottish-English, believing that the English imposed the apostrophe and their silly grammar rules on them... this was a minor point, almost unnoticed, in Braveheart). This particular society is devoted to protecting the apostrophe...

1 comment:

Tecumseh said...

Apostrophes are NEVER ever used to denote plurals!

Well, unless one believes, like JJ, that one=plural, in which case, by symmetry, plural=one; but singular=one, too, so, by transitivity, plural=singular, in which case apostrophes may as well be used to denote plurals. Such is the slippery slope of PC-Juchi thought...